.~6: Confrontaton~.

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Patrick and ZhouKeyu are in the living room watching a movie. They invited everyone but they all said they had plans to take care of. Neither of them knew that said plans were about them and were taking place in the basement.

"Oh my God they're dating guys! They are dating! And they haven't told us anything, and they lied to us about being single, and what if they lied because they can't trust us?! I don't care about their realtionship I have a fucking boyfriend myself but why wouldn't they tell us do we seem homophobic or something-" Nine ranted until he was hit in the head by Liu Yu.

"OW! LIU YU!" Nine screamed.

"Shut up or they'll hear us." Liu Yu responded. Nine closed his mouth and turned the other way dramatically.

Everyone but the couple were in the basement, discussing a way to break the news that they knew about the relationship, without making it seem like they have been stalking them.

Which they totally didn't do. They totally didn't stalk their interactions with each other everyday for a month after Nine's call incident.

Never. Not at all. Nope.

Okay maybe they did.

"We have enough proof on my phone," AK announced to everyone. "We just need to bring it up slowly."

"I volunteer Santa and Rikimaru." Zhang Jiayuan said.

"Why us?!" Santa and Rikimaru exclaimed at the same time.

"Because you two are the oldest!" Lin Mo answered. "Plus, you two are basically Patrick and Nine's parents. You spoil them and everything. It's easier when a parental figure speaks about it"

"One, Bo Yuan is older than BOTH of us," Rikimaru spoke, glaring at Bo Yuan who was ignoring everyone purposely in the background. "And two, since when did Santa and I become their parents?! Santa, did you know about this?"

Santa shakes his head innocently, even though he did know about it but never brought it up to him yet.

It wasn't a lie though, they do act like his parents.

"I say that Bo Yuan should confront them." Mika announced.

"No way! You're the one that watch ZhouKeyu put Patrick to bed!" Bo Yuan yelled.

"I'm not the one that gave Patrick alcohol at the INTO1 party." Lin Mo argued.

"YOU DID WHAT?!!" Santa, Rikimaru, and Nine screamed at the same time. Bo Yuan squeaked and hid behind Zhang Jiayuan.

"It was one time and he only got mildly drunk!" Bo Yuan exclaimed.

"If you mean 'mildly' as in his cheeks were red, he was giggling and crying, and he couldn't remember anything he confessed the next day, then yeah. He was mildly drunk." Zhang Jiayuan confessed, which got him a smack from Bo Yuan.

"YOU SON OF A BIT-!" Nine screamed as he threw himself to punch Bo Yuan, but he got held back by Santa and Rikimaru. Nine and Bo Yuan continued to scream at each other while everyone else was shouting at them to stop.

No one stopped shouting until they saw ZhouKeyu and Patrick around the corner.

"Uh...is everything alright?" Patrick asked.

"Of course! Why would you think not?" Lin Mo asked.

"Then why do Nine and Bo Yuan look as if they were going to murder each other?" ZhouKeyu quipped.

"Because...well...you see..." Santa started but couldn't finish.


Patrick and ZhouKeyu's eyes widened as they looked at each other.

"W-What? Us? No way. We're best friends, completely. Totally." ZhouKeyu spoke.

"Yeah...!" Patrick backed him up. "We aren't dating, how could you say that Nine?"

"ZhouKeyu carried you to bed and played with your hair." Mika said.

"His hair is soft, who wouldn't play with it?" ZhouKeyu replied.

"You guys danced like Beauty in the Beast in the danceroom." Santa said.

"You told us to act earlier and we did. We are actors Santa, plus, that was the choreography." Patrick argued annoyingly.

They aren't going to confess that easily.

"What about the time Lin Mo caught you being all cute in the kitchen, or when Nine caught you wearing ZhouKeyu's shirt?" Liu Yu asked.

"We wear each other's clothes all the time, I still have Mika's hoodie. Also, he had FLOUR IN HIS EYE. I wouldn't be a prankster and leave it there like you would Liu Yu." ZhouKeyu said. Liu Yu scoffed but stayed silent.

"Okay fine, you can deny those accusations, but you can't deny this." AK said, pulling out his phone. He played the video from the party and handed it to them. ZhouKeyu's eyes widened as he coughed in nervousness while Patrick turned red and hid his head into ZhouKeyu's chest.

"Why did you let me get drunk?!" Patrick whined.

"It's not my fault. You're the one that accepted the drink~" ZhouKeyu reminded.

Patrick whined further and started hitting his head against ZhouKeyu, only being stopped by ZhouKeyu's hand.

"Stop it Pai, they would've found out eventually."'

"You KNEW we would find out?" Lin Mo asked.

"I knew the second Mika questioned me in the room. It was only a matter of time."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Patrick exclaimed.

"Because you're cute when you're flustered." ZhouKeyu responded like it's the most obvious thing in the world. A collectible of groans filled the basement.

"God you guys are cheesy." Nine complained.

"Nine, you and Joong are way worse." Liu Yu said.

"Wait..so you guys don't mind that we're together?" Patrick asked quietly. Everyone stared at him with horror.

"Why would we mind? It's 2021, love is fucking love Patrick. ZhouKeyu is a good guy, he'll take care of you." Zhang Jiayuan responded.

"Yeah, we also have no room to judge when we have relationships ourselves." Rikimaru responded, which got him a teasing look from Bo Yuan and a proud look from Santa.

"Thanks guys..it means a lot." Patrick said, smiling.

"No problem, it's just common sense." Liu Yu answered.

"No wait, I'm going to judge. I already deal with Santa and Rikimaru. Nine and his boyfriend overseas, AND Jiayuan with some random chick online. I REFUSE to be ANOTHER third wheeler for them!" Lin Mo shouted, which made everyone burst into laughter.

"No promises..." ZhouKeyu said, giving Patrick a forehead kiss. Nine squealed while AK took a photo.

"Okay Okay enough love, let's go watch the movie from earlier." Mika announced, and everyone left the basement.

Patrick and ZhouKeyu left together holding hands.

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