The past

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About 10 years ago I had witnessed a horrifying truth I was 5 at the time with a loving mother and a caring father I loved them both dearly with everything I was . My father was part of an Agency who specialize with mafias my mother was a stay at home mom where she had taken care of me .

"Mommy! Look what I drew " it was a photo of me my mother and father . " Wow! It's amazing!" She swooped me in her loving arms and took me to the kitchen where she had hung the photo I drew . My mothers blue eyes reminded me of the sky that was full of clouds and her red hair was like the flames of a fire it was so pretty "mommy " I said while I hung my arms around her neck " yes Michelle ?" She answered as she set me on the ground "I love you!" My mother gave me a big smile " but I love you more " .

A few hours had pasted and my father had arrived home . I ran up to my fathers loving arms " daddy come look at the picture I drew!" I took his finger and lead him to the kitchen where my mother was making dinner he looked at the photo and smiled " you know your art could make it world wide " he walked over to my mother and kissed her " you think daddy? " i looked at him in confusion " I know it will now let's sit down and eat!" I sat down next to my mother who dished me out some pasta as I was eating a window broke my mother informed me to go hide in the pantry I listened and ran in the pantry I heard gun shots 4 times I peaked out of the door to only find my mother in a puddle of blood and my father sitting in his chair . And before the killer left I saw his blonde locks of hair leave the house .

I sat down in tears crying I went over to the house phone and I called my best friend Sophie I told her what I just witnessed and with out hesitation she told her parent. about and hour had past and the cops showed up they took me out of the house and asked me questions I was to tired and to sad to talk I told them about the man who had killed my parents.Later that night my aunt arrived to pick me up and take me to her house I asked my aunt " will mommy and daddy be okay " she stopped at the red light and started to cry , a light shower of rain came down "auntie ?" " Michelle" my aunt said mommy and daddy are In a better place "

Sorry for the short chapter:-)
Word count :471 words

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