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A very awkward silence filled the space between the four. Tommy felt uncomfortable and had no idea what to say. He was worried he would slip and trigger George's thought process. Tubbo mirrored Tommy's feelings while Wilbur waited for someone to speak up.

George could feel that they were hesitant to speak, so he broke the silence. "So, where are we heading to?"

The three of them exchanged glances, communicating through their facial expressions on who should answer George. Tubbo and Tommy looked at Wilbur, insisting that he should be the one to speak up considering he is the elder brother.

The three of them continued walking in front as George trailed behind. Wilbur let out a heavy sigh before finally deciding to speak up. "We're gonna show you around like Phil asked,"

"Okay, and should I be concerned on why you three are acting strange? Don't think that I haven't noticed," George replied.

Tubbo, who stood in between Wilbur and Tommy, nudged Wilbur's side. They then faced George, offering a warm smile in hopes of driving away George's suspicions. "Sorry about that. We're not very good when it comes to uhh- meeting new people," Tommy explained.

"Meeting new people? But why did you say that you didn't think you would see me-" Tommy immediately cut him off.

"Forget what I said. I thought you were someone else," Tommy scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say next. He looked at Tubbo and Wilbur, requesting for some sort of back up.

"Anyways, which one of you is Wilbur and Tommy?" George's question took them by surprise. They didn't expect him to be familiar with their names.

"Uh- I'm Wilbur and that one is Tommy. This guy next to me is Tubbo. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hear our names?"

"King Phil mentioned them during my birthday dinner the other day,"

"Oh! Belated happy birthday, George!" Tubbo greeted warmly. Tommy and Wilbur just smiled.

"Thank you, Tubbo."

They continued on their way to the main center of Pogville. Tommy and Tubbo chattered in front while Wilbur did his best to entertain George to lift the mood. That would have been a breeze if it were not for the curious eyes of the villagers that followed their move; more specifically, George.

The last time George had been there, he left behind a great legacy that people would look up to. To this day, his legacy that he is clearly oblivious of lives in the hearts of all the people, and not just the folks of Pogville.

The ravine which was covered in planks set as a reminder of an important chapter in history; an eventful chapter filled with angst, bloodshed, and the restoration of peace in the world.

His name spread like a virus. Even though, not all are aware of the consequences of his revival. Some question his whereabouts, thus pertaining to him as GeorgeNotFound.

The legacy of GeorgeNotFound; where a powerful natural being gave his life for the better of the world and was never to be seen by the public again except, of course, for the town he lives in.

From their perspective, he's either dead or avoiding all the attention.

Although, Pogville is very much aware of the true happenings of the story for they have witnessed the birth of his legacy. They were there when he ended Eret's evil reign, and they were there when they used the gem to revive him.

They respected him highly for his deed. No doubt about that.

One who dares disrespect the guy shall be questioned by King Phil himself.

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