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Expect the unexpected, they said.

Considering the recent events that has occurred, Dream would not have thought about anything else that could surpass the peculiarity itself of the situation presented before them. Just when his impulse on seeking ways to upset what must be, inquisitiveness once again arises and disrupts the amiable aura that has been recently restored.

By that time, it would no longer be George's well-being that they would have to worry about.

They would now question the capabilities itself of the pendant that sits around George's neck. Then again, that itself links to George's welfare, in the light of the fact that it basically is a source of George's second chance at life.

It would be about time that they question whether its powers were good or bad.

While Technoblade's findings seemed reliable, it is not impossible that there would be factors or aspects which he must have missed. With the recent stunt George has pulled at the falls, they fear that there is no doubt about the fact that they still don't know something about the gem. That perhaps its facets might carry something much more significant.

Now, every passing moment must be put into worth as they figure out the sheer details they have been blinded to.

"Has anything like that ever happened to you before that we must be aware of?" Philza questions as he stands just in front of his noble throne like the wise king he is, his iconic green and white bucket hat sitting on his head with his outstretched wings open for display to simply yield a sense of ascendancy. Next to him stands the mere blood god himself, with their sublime pastel pink hair falling just over their chest, his golden crown resting on top of his voice-filled head that involuntarily speaks of bloodshed, carnage, and genocide. For the past months, Technoblade has marked his territory inside the palace alongside his kingly father figure, and with the recent threat that has been lurking inside the kingdom with no visual validation, leaving was the last thing he wanted to do. Not for the safety of the kingdom, but for the safety of his father and his brothers.

Dream stands next to George who has little to no clue on what went down. Dream refused to leave his side ever since George jumped off the leaf and suddenly started levitating on his own. George himself had no control over his actions and was just as confound as the people in the room. "No, this is the first time something like this has ever happened to me," George responds.

"So what you're saying is that you had the sudden urge to jump and when you did, you started to levitate on your own?" Technoblade asks.

"Pretty much sums it up,"

"And the gem glowed right before that happened?"

"And it was still glowing as he was in the air," Dream added.

Techno and Phil exchanged looks. While Phil had no idea what was going on, Techno might have had something in mind. Another theory to test. "Dream, could you stand next to me just for a moment?" Techno requested.


"Just do it." Dream looked at George who gave him a nod of assurance, Dream leaving a peck on his forehead before walking next to the blood god. What happened next was the last thing Dream had expected and before he could act out, Techno had already made a move.

"Holy shit-" Phil reacted.

"What the fuck?!" Dream yelled.

George stood, stunned in his position, eyes widened to what he was experiencing. His pendant glowed just as earlier, an azure tinted sort of energy being emitted as it clutches Techno's mighty sword just inches away from between his two-colored eyes. Similar to what had happened to him, the sword was levitating in position. "You could have killed him!" Dream freaked from behind.

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