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Time. Such a small word for something that's worth gold. There will be those who take the term for granted, and those who treasure it until their final breath. Time varies between people. They are granted choices under this category. Choices of whether they intend to trifle and squander their gift, or relish and savor the moment within the given duration.

Karl was the type of person who pertains to time as an adventure and speculation, seeing time as a shot to unveil life's enigmas and riddles, dig into the secrets of the past and unlock the scriptures for the future. Alongside that subject includes venturing into the unknown, seeking to mark the obscured territories with the prints of their venturous feet. To him, life was too short to be staying in one place, avoiding the dangers of the hidden. No regrets, he'd keep in mind, for if he were to one day exit this world, he'd rather leave without having to look back on what he could have done when he had the chance; when he still lived.

That was how his life went before Eret came into the picture. He'd wander, exploring new lands and letting the north star guide him like how it did to the sailors in the past. The sunsets would signal the end of a productive day, while the sunrises would flash new hope, another chance to savor the beauties of the world around him. He'd conquer temples, strongholds, find treasures in the deep, and midway, he'd stop by towns and villages, leaving his trademark; a green swirl. All this being done discretely.

It was only until he came across the village where Eret reigned that his adventures came to a halt. A harmless prank was what he wanted to play to mess with the former king, but the misfortune had him imprisoned in the king's walls. No regrets. The two words remained consistent in his mind. He figured that if it were the end of the line for him, he was okay with how he spent his life, unaware of the good things that were peeking from his future. One of those good things being meeting his friends, and getting to be with the person he could trust his heart with.

He may have been blinded by the king's plated gold at first, but that was no match for the friendship and love that engulfed him.

And if he were to choose a person to go on his journeys and spend time with, Sapnap would always be reigning on his list.

Rocks after rock formations scattered across the badlands, colors of red, white, and tan characterizing the mountains. The cries of the crows echoed in between the valleys, the temperature being a bit ardent with the sun at it's highest peak. No signs of green were in sight for another mile, the only symbol of life being dead trees and bushes. If it weren't for the unique striped coloration on the rocks, they would have mistaken the biome for a desert.

Exploring a nearly deserted area wasn't Sapnap's idea of an anniversary date, but if it would put a smile on his partner's face then so be it. It was, after all, Karl's turn to pick how they would spend their time together.

And he chose to explore the badlands.

If they were to describe the distance between the Badlands and Pogville, the term far was a huge understatement. The duo had to expedition through not less than five biomes, whilst battling against their body's own stamina. "I don't get why you couldn't have teleported us here instead," Sapnap complained.

"Where's the fun in that? It's not called an adventure for nothing. Come on, we should set up camp. It's going to get dark soon," Karl was used to the long hikes, despite his ability to teleport. He'd find peace and serenity in the activity, which would renew his senses and relax his mind.

"Last time I checked, we are on an anniversary date. Not some sort of quest," Sapnap said, splashing water on his face to battle against the heat.

"Yeah- that's hot," Karl says.

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