Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey everyone! Guess who's back! I hope that you all are well and safe. I've gotten back to writing after such a long time so I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think- Here's the new chapter. Enjoy! xoxo

Getting ready to leave his bedroom the next morning, brought a new sense of foreboding to Severus. He couldn't bring himself to even think that Harry may be waiting on the other side of his door to tell him that he hated him and that he couldn't forgive him for his role in his parents death, that Harry would say that everything that has befallen him up until this point has been because of Severus and the decisions that he made all through his youth and adult life until he came back to beg Albus for his help.

Or worse, would Severus open his bedroom door and find that Harry had disappeared? That all his belongings had been removed from Severus' living quarters... That Harry had decided that he was better off without the help of a man who had a hand in destroying his life, that he could find someone he didn't loathe to help him navigate the wizarding world.

The thought of Harry leaving both him and his quarters stung but it was enough to jolt him back into action and get him to leave his room, to go in search of the younger wizard.

He didn't have to look far.

Harry was sitting at the little table in the living room, quietly eating his breakfast and across from him was a plate of food which Severus assumed was meant for him.

As he entered the living room and approached the table, he saw that Harry suddenly sat up a little straighter and turned his head to the point where Severus had stopped next to him.

"Good morning Harry. Is that for me?" asked Severus, gesturing to the plate.

"Yes Professor," replied Harry as he stood up, "I'm going to be exploring the castle a bit today."

Severus sat down and reached for the tea, "Well if you give me a few minutes to have a cup of tea, I promise not to delay any further."

Harry, however, had already started walking towards the door as he replied, "I think today I'd prefer to go by myself actually."

Severus' eyebrows shot towards his hairline, "Harry, you should not be wandering the castle by yourself."

Harry opened the door and then turned in the doorway to face Severus, "I went out of the castle yesterday and I was fine, your potion does its job and besides, I didn't need Tinkys' help even though she followed me around all day at Diagon Alley."

Severus was glad that Harry couldn't see the contrite look on his face, "Harry, I-"

"I could feel her. I could feel her magic... that's how I identified her, so I'll be fine walking around the castle by myself for a few hours," he turned to walk out and stopped when Severus chair scraped rather loudly on the floor as he stood up.

"We need to talk about what I told you last night," Severus knew he sounded like he was pleading.

"I'm sorry Professor but I spent all night thinking about what we discussed and I need to just clear my mind and spend some time by myself today. Please don't send anyone after me," said Harry as he finally stepped out of the living quarters and shut the door behind him.

Severus sank down onto his recently vacated chair and ran his hand through his hair. He had allowed himself to feel a little hope when he saw that Harry hadn't left and he had in fact ordered them breakfast, but now with Harry asking to be away from him, he couldn't help but wonder if the younger wizard would come back to him.


Harry spent a while wandering the halls in the castle, going up and down staircases and he even managed to focus his magic to detect just when the staircases where going to change. He wasn't too happy when his foot went through a step on one of the staircases though; he'd initially felt a bout of panic rise up within him but once he'd centred himself and grabbed hold of the bannister, he easily yanked his foot out of the space on the staircase.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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