Chapter 2

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Severus' unbreakable charms never failed.

Especially- and thankfully- when he was in a bad mood...

This was the third time that the whiskey glass went flying against the wall after downing its contents.

He couldn't understand so much of what had happened mostly because he wasn't sure what Albus' plan was... True, he never really knew what the man was thinking or planning but this time it involved him and he hated surprises.

He never thought he'd wish it, but he'd much rather be on the lookout for a physically capable Harry Potter- as he had expected to be asked- because at least then he'd know that he would teach, Potter would learn and they could one day have a Dark Lord-free world- just maybe not that simple...

But being tasked with dealing with this Potter... it was new and seemingly impossible and while Severus loved challenges, he'd rather have them with Potions than with teaching a blind child to duel and one day rid the world of evil- preferably as soon as possible.

Where did one even begin with a blind child in the world of magic?

He'd heard of blind wizards, yes, but mostly old ones who'd done magic for all their lives and mostly needed household spells in their old age; definitely not duelling and casting unforgivables against maniacs...

He tried to picture Petunia and what she was like but from everything he remembered, she hated magic and most definitely wouldn't stand for someone practicing magic in her house so unless she finally gave into muggle temptation, Severus didn't hold out much hope that Potter had a Pre-Hogwarts education on magic.

He couldn't believe his misfortune, this was going to be like dealing with a muggle...

Severus sat up straight in his armchair when he was alerted to an incoming floo call... of course, it was the Headmaster.

"Albus, twice in one night... haven't you tortured me enough?"

Dumbledore smiled at him, as he usually did when Severus made jibes at him but this time his smile didn't quite hide his worry and Severus noticed.

"Is something the matter Albus?" asked Severus as he stood and walked closer.

"I think it's time you met the boy, officially of course since you have already seen him..."

Severus felt his face heat at the fact that the headmaster noticed when Severus stopped to look at Harry earlier in his office.

He chose not to comment, "You have got me here in the middle of my vacation; I'll meet the boy at the start of the term."

Albus smiled genuinely this time at Severus, "I'm afraid that would mean that I called you over unnecessarily then, my boy. You need to form a trust with Harry before school begins and you need to start teaching him as soon as possible..."

Severus sighed, "What in the name of Merlin am I supposed to tutor the boy on? He hasn't started any classes and won't for the next two months..."

"Anything Severus, anything to prepare him... tell him about the school, read him 'Hogwarts: A History', tell him about the importance of potions... anything so that he at least feels like he knows what our world is about."

Severus ground his teeth, "I am not about to become the boys' personal storyteller and besides, countless children come here knowing nothing about magic and they soon learn, Potter is no different."

Albus levelled a stern look at Severus, "You know that he is different though, don't you Severus. Now we have wasted enough time, I'll see you in the infirmary in 5 minutes... oh and do get yourself a sobering potion beforehand."

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