Chapter 4

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"This is the Great Hall," announced Severus as they entered.

"What does it look like?" asked Harry.

Severus took Harrys' hand, the one not on his arm and placed it on the table top that they were walking alongside.

He watched how the boys' hand dragged over the surface, "During the school year, there are four tables such as these, one for each house. When the term is over, there is just one, just like now, for the staff and students that decide to stay over at the castle during the holiday. It is only while the year is still in progress that students are allowed to remain at the castle during the breaks."

"So technically I shouldn't be here?" enquired Harry.

"Technically not," answered Severus, "But it is an usual situation hence we have made the necessary arrangements."

Harrys' face grew darker as he seemed to be lost in thought, but thankfully they had reached the end of the table so Severus had reason to call for his attention.

Severus brought them to a stop in front of the platform where the Head Table stood. He reached out and took Harrys' hand, leading him forward until he could place his hand on the platform.

"This is where the teachers sit. High enough to look over the entire hall. Come," he grasped that same hand and guided Harry towards and up the few steps.

This time he placed Harrys' hand on one of the chairs at the Head Table and guided him forward.

They walked in silence for a while until Harrys' hand landed on the Headmasters' chair.

"This one feels different," said Harry as he placed his other hand on the chair and began to feel the intricate design on the backrest.

"That is the Headmasters' seat," offered Severus as an explanation.

"Huh," huffed out Harry, "Seems more comfortable... How is your back, Professor Snape?"

Severus narrowed his eyes and heaved a sigh, "That is enough out of you, Potter," Harry just laughed, "Let us get back to our table so that we may have lunch."


Once they were seated next to each other, the food appeared on the table and it seemed that Harry didn't need his sight to know that.

"That smells great, is the food here? What is it?"

Severus smiled to himself, "Yes it is."

They ate in silence for a while until halfway through a piece of chicken, Harry asked, "Who cooks the food here? And how come the food got here without anyone coming in?"

"The kitchen is directly under the Great Hall and the house elves who-"

"House elves?!" exclaimed Harry.

"Yes, they take care of the cooking and chores around the castle," explained Severus.

"So they're slaves..." Harry was quiet for a moment and before he could say anything else, Albus and Hagrid entered.

"Ah, Professor Snape and Harry."

"Headmaster, Hagrid" greeted Severus with an inclination of his head.

"Harry! Yer getting along fine with the professor then?" questioned Hagrid.

Harrys' response was lost as at the same moment Albus requested Severus to join him in the corridor.

When they were out of earshot, Albus spoke.

"I trust that you have been making progress with the boy then?"

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