Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while but I'm back as promised. Totally not gonna abandon this story so don't worry.

I hope that you all are still safe. Things are slowly getting back to normal in South Africa so I've gone back to work but I'm still gonna make time for my writing.

I have been reading all of your wonderful comments and they make me smile so please continue to comment and let me know what you think.

This chapter turned out a bit differently than I initially planned but I'm quite happy with it so I hope that you all enjoy it!

Let me know what you think!


This was the morning that Harry was meant to go up to Dumbledores' office and floo to The Leaky Cauldron alongside with Hagrid for his shopping trip to Diagon Alley but Severus found himself on edge to the point that he seriously considered whether he should actually take the chance and accompany the boy himself.

He busied himself by calling Tinky while Harry was still in his bedroom to instruct her on how important it was that she always kept Harry in sight and also didn't reveal her presence to them either.

Thankfully, by the time Harry was ready to leave their quarters, Severus had managed to rid himself of the notion that he needed to be at Harrys' side at all times and managed to find some solace in the fact that he trusted his potion to do its' job and he trusted Harry to remember their training.

When they entered the Headmasters' office, Hagrid was already there waiting for Harry.

"Harry!" exclaimed Hagrid, "Ready fer an adventure today?"

Harry beamed with excitement, "Yeah, I actually can't wait!"

Severus watched as Dumbledore cast an expansion charm on his fireplace so it could accommodate Hagrids' bulk but it still turned out to be a tight fit when the half-giant stepped in.

"See yer on the other side, Harry. Bye Professors," and he was off.

Severus saw Dumbledore approaching Harry with the floo powder and decided to speak before the Headmaster did, "Harry, you are going to step into that fireplace and then I am going to hand you the floo powder," he took the bowl out of the Headmasters' hands, "and then you are very clearly going to say 'The Leaky Cauldron' before you throw the powder down at your feet," he waited for Harry to nod and then asked, "What are you going to say."

Once Severus was sure that Harry had the name and enunciations correct, he allowed the boy to step into the fireplace and prompted him to take a handful of floo powder, "You are going to be alright, Harry."

And as Harry said bye and was swept away, Severus couldn't decide whether he had said that to reassure Harry or himself.


Albus knew that with Harry gone from the castle for the next few hours, Severus couldn't possibly have a reasonable enough excuse to pass on having tea with him and Severus clenched his teeth as he smiled tightly at the Headmaster before taking a seat across from him at his desk.

Severus knew that Albus was fishing for information; the Headmaster wasn't subtle- if he even knew what subtlety was.

There were questions about the potion and about the training. He wanted to know how soon he could sit in on a training session- which Severus dismissed immediately stating that the boy didn't need distractions while he was learning. He also wanted to state that Harry wasn't some performer in a circus but he held his tongue on that one.

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