Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope that you all are still doing well during this pandemic *hugs*...

Here's a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy it and as always, let me know what you all think!

P.S. If you wanna, you can also come say hi on my Tumblr. My username is mishacollins-is-daddy


By the time all the adjustments had been made to the potion, there really wasn't enough time left in the day for Harry to take the potion and get in enough training so Severus resolved for them to rather try it the next day.

The floo flared up and Albus showed up just as Severus was getting ready for bed; Harry had already gone into his room for the night.

"Has knocking on a door truly gone out of fashion, Headmaster?" asked Severus as he shelved the books that were strewn on the coffee table.

Albus chuckled, "Ah but I like to keep life interesting... besides, I hadn't seen either you or young Harry today and my curiosity was piqued."

Severus refrained from rolling his eyes at the blatant prying and answered instead, "I was making adjustments to the potion for Harry and I needed him there for both reference and to teach him a few things as well."

Albus' eyebrows shot up, "You move fast, Severus. I didn't think the potion would be anywhere near ready yet."

This time, Severus did roll his eyes, "You asked me to teach the boy and prepare him for life as a wizard, which is exactly what I am doing."

"No, no," chuckled Albus, "I am not complaining at all Severus. The sooner that Harry becomes accustomed to this life, the sooner-"

Albus stopped mid-sentence and Severus' eyes narrowed, "The sooner what?"

The headmaster waved his hand in dismissal, "Ah you know what I mean... but it is of no matter right now."

Severus took a deep breath, "You are still thinking about how and when you can start grooming him to be your weapon against the Dark Lord."

"Weapon sounds a tad dramatic-"

"He is a child, Albus!" Severus' exclamation was loud enough that he glanced at Harrys' door before lowering his voice again, "I am teaching him how to be a wizard, not a warrior," he held a hand up when Albus looked like he was going to interrupt, "I know that he is the chosen one and maybe one day he will be able to fulfil his destiny but right now he is a blind child who is just as much afraid as he is in awe of this new life he suddenly has to adapt to. I will teach him and I will guide him and you can be bloody sure that I will make certain no one can use him for personal gain..."

Albus' smirk infuriated Severus to no end, "Are you quite done Severus?"

Severus just threw his hands in the air in exasperation before making his way towards his bedroom, "You can let yourself out."

"It is quite something to see how protective you have grown of Harry in such a short amount of time but don't go getting too attached Severus. Remember that he is all trusting now but he is also yet to find out about your own involvement in everything that's led up to this; I wouldn't want you to get hurt yet again..."

Severus turned around at his bedroom doorway and glared at Albus, "Was that a threat?"

"No my boy, of course not... Just be careful," and with that, he spun on the spot and with a soft crack he was gone.

Severus grumbled all the way to bed and lay awake for most of the night.


It was while eating breakfast the next morning, that Severus received a note from Tinky.

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