1 - Poodsiepie dooing the things he does when he does the things he do!

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This fanfic gets waaaaayyy better later on. These few chapters were just weird things spewed out by me. I was bored okay? Don't judge.. Anyways enjoy!

One day, Poods was busy making a video. He was playing "YouTube simulator" Where it was simulating his life. Then, out of nowhere Cry calls him on Skype. "What the f*k.. I'm not even logged into my skype..!" Pewdsie exclaims very loudely.. He declines the call, thinking it was a glitch or something, but then suddenly Crydsiepies teleports into his room!!!! "yw di u decln m cll??" dfhgfhfghgfdjghjghjhgjgjgdhjgdhjdgjdgjdjhdgdsigjiodfjgjdiogjiofdjgiojigjdiojgiofdjgkljdfgiojreigjofdjgoijfdiogjdisjgfdmklviodfjbifdmkmbkfdmbkmfdobkmfdombfodmbofdm 

Get rest Alex

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