45 - Good News

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[Pods P.O.V.]

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over and threw the covers away to pick up my phone. The hospital was calling! I quickly picked it up.


"Good morning Mr. Pewds. We would like to see you at the hospital this morning. It is a very urgent call and we hope you can make it. Thank you!" She hung up.

I put the phone back down, pushing myself off my bed.

I drove down to the hospital and went in. I was greeted by a secretary at the front desk. A nurse came up to me.

"You must be Mr. Pod?" She said.

"Yes, that's me!" I said, looking up at her with a smile.

"Come right this way sir, and I know it sounds cliche but we've been expecting you." The nurse started walking.

"Alright." I followed close behind her.

We stopped at the end of the hallway and turned right, into a room. Dr. Hans greeted me.

"Hey! Mr. Pods! So nice to see you! We have some very good news for you." He exclaimed.

"Hello! What's the news?"

"It turns out that the fracture wasn't really effective (that's a reference you should know) so it turns out that you won't be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life!"

"Really? Yes!" I exclaimed very happily.

"You should be out of your wheelchair in less than a week." Dr. Hans said.

"Thanks doc!"

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