33 - A Normal Day..?

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Today, like many others was, the usual. Floofball was being chased by Lenny, Writer was writing, Geronimo was being a spakky ghost, Swisha was being good at basketball, and finally Mr. Dragon was sniping noobs in Call of Duty.

It sounds pretty normal.. Right? Well normal to my standards anyway. Everything was like that until one thing happened, something that would change everything. Pods came back.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Cry was screaming from down the hallway. Ninny walks up to him.

"Cri, what's wrong??" Ninny asks


"Well it only took 20 chapters holy crap!" All of a sudden, Pods wheeled down the hall, in his swag wheelchair.

"What did I miss?" Pewdispies said. Everyone in the hallway crowded around him, asking him questions.

Cry pushed through the crowd to talk to Podsi.

"Cry! Hey what's up buddy?"

"Buddy? Pods I thought we were dating!"

"Wha-? Uhh, excuse us for a moment.." They went into the washroom.

"Cry, I barely know you. Why would we date?"

"Because.. You're Pewd and I'm Cry, everyone we know ships us!"

"That doesn't mean we should date!"

"But Pods, I-I-I think I love you.."

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