27 - Loud

18 0 3

It was a Friday afternoon at Your Mom Academy and Mrs. Hexagon's class was at a rock concert hosted at the school's Gym. Ninny couldn't deal with the sound, so he ran out the door, while Writer just wrote in earplugs for everyone to have.

Dandy followed close behind Ninny. (If ya know what I mean lel)

Ninny stood close to the wall with his hands plugging his ears, Dandy walked over.

"Hey, what's up?" Dandy greeted him

"My ears are very sensitive, I had to run outside.." Ninny exclaimed

"It's okay," Dandy moved Ninny's hands away from his ears.

"You don't have to worry about it out here."

"Yeah, I know." Ninny's head rested on Dandy's shoulder, and Dandy blushed.

(I just want to mention that Dandy is a word used to describe something perfect, and Ninny is short form for Nincompoop, and it can also mean a foolish person. We were unaware of this when we chose the names of these characters.)

Anyways, Ninny's hand went over to Dandy's and they held hands. Geronimo walked out from the gym.

"Hey guys," He glanced at them,

"Oh my, am I interrupting something?"

Their eyes were closed, with smirks across their face, they ignored Geronimo.

"OK then, I will just leave you two alone now..."

Geronimo walked up the stairs, he probably didn't like the music too.



"Will you marry me?"

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