9 - The Noscope

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I'm trying a bit of a new setup on this chapter, let me know if you like it! - Nick

Mr. Dragon, as usual wasn't teaching his class anything. Everyone just goes there just to talk or read silly Wattpad stories on the computers.. Keep in mind that his class is Geography.

Dandy and Mr. Dragon were on the class #PCMasterRace, except Dandy was on a Mac. Anyways, they were playing this really sheet game called Tactical Intervention, which is a french Counter Strike ripoff.

"Oh, yes! Own that nub!" Mr. Dragon exclaimed

"Look at that, oh yess" Dandy sipped his Mountain Dew (Please don't sue me)

"OHHHH OHHH OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT F**KING SHOT!" Mr. Dragon just got a Noscope.

Dandy started squirting MT. Dew all over his body, Ninny looked over in awe as it was happening.

"Writer. Why?" Geronimo said to Writer as she was writing this. 

"Because, I can." Writer replied with a smirk across her face.

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