Chapter 1

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Did you know when they say time flies, it doesn't actually fly by? It's just you're having so much fun to notice time passing you by. How do I know? It's been 27 years since I began dating the love of my life. It's been 22 years since we left our home town of Derry, Maine. It's also been 20 years since the day Ben Hanscom and I said I do.

The last two and a half decades have been very generous to Ben and I. After we left Derry, we moved to New York, and Ben proposed to me. Shortly after that, he started up his architecture company, an endeavor that took two long years. During that time, I went to college online with the scholarships I obtained in Derry and became an accountant. It really helps Ben with his business as well. I love doing the math and making sure everything is correct.

After Ben's business boomed in the same year he started it, we were married in a small ceremony. While hoping that my little brother, Richie, could make it to the wedding, he didn't show up. He did send his congratulations though, even though I don't think he realized it was Ben I was marrying.

I think he still wanted to be there, even if he couldn't make it, so he had a really nice, brand new, top of the line, washing machine and dryer delivered to our new home, along with covering our honeymoon trip. Since leaving Derry, he has become a comedian. Something I know he's always wanted to do since we were children.

We invited a few friends from high school, but no one came except Mike Hanlon and Stanley Uris. We haven't spoken to them since. To be completely honest, we haven't spoken to anyone from Derry since our wedding really. It doesn't bother us that much. We have each other, and as much as I wish my brother was here, that's all we really need.

I haven't thought about Derry in over 20 years. Even though I've been having these nightmares, my brain hasn't connected them to Derry. I don't see why it would, but then again, I can't remember if there's a reason for it to. I keep...I keep seeing a group of people dying over and over. The only ones I recognize are Richie and Ben. I've told Ben about these nightmares. He's stuck by my side and held me every time I've cried.

Without him, I don't know what I would do. He is my rock. He is my soulmate. I thank the Lord everyday for him entering my life. Today, my brain is completely silent and a small feeling is in my gut. I can't quite put a name to it. I just have a feeling that something is going to happen but I don't know what. I sigh and close the dishwasher door.

Turning on the balls of my feet, I glance around the kitchen. I jump a little and giggle as I spot my loving husband behind me. He chuckles softly and places his hands on my waist, steadying me.

"Sorry, love." He drawls, leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just came in to kiss my beautiful wife before this dreadful conference."

"You're the one that set the meeting this late." I tease him softly.

"I had to or else it would be late for them. You know how cranky they get if their lunch break doesn't happen right on time."

"Oh...yeah...they are worse than a two year old toddler having a temper tantrum just because they got orange juice instead of apple."

He chuckles and nods. "They really are. And when they get cranky, I do too."

"And we don't want that." I giggle. "Although, that just gives me an excuse to run my hands all over you when I give you a massage."

He laughs and shakes his head playfully. I place my hands on his chest, my fingertips lightly brushing over the dusting of exposed hair since he's got his shirt's top three buttons undone. He looks so damn good in his black blazer, leaving the blazer unbuttoned just as he does with his pressed, white dress shirt.

Forever Love - Ben Hanscom - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now