Chapter 7 - A very intense training

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Hardly has she got off her bed that Jay opened the door.

-Wake up! You’re supposed to be ready at 7!

-S…sorry! I had trouble sleeping!

-I don’t care! You’ve five minutes!


She hurried to prepare and left to the camp. To return here pleased her, but as she won’t be a spectator this time, she apprehended a little. Eli came to greet them before throwing a bag to the young women.

-Go and change.


She left.

-Do you think she will hold out, Jay?

-I dunno. We can have a surprise; she seems to have good skills. However, we will wait a bit for her personal training…the new recruits are particularly hard to manage. We’ll put her with them for now.

-Cool, I was afraid to have to cope with them alone. Ahh, here she comes. Does it suit you?

Aliya’s outfit was limited to a resistant top, khaki fatigues and combat boots.

-The trousers are a bit large, but it’s okay.

-Right. Go and join the others; you will make three field laps. You will train with them for the moment…and stop smiling like that, it’s frightening.

-Got it!

Eli smiled. Aliya left keeping hers. For a certain reason, she felt all excited…at least for the moment.

Although she had some trouble to enchain the laps and abdominal workouts, she hold out pretty well. She sat on the floor. The other recruits looked at her.

-Are ya okay, little chick?

-Haha, I’m sure she just wanna return in her bed.

She ignored them sighing. One of them stared at her with particularly full of hate eyes.

-It’s not a place for women, her, ya know?

She jumped up.

-We’ll see that!

When she saw him, she knew that she won’t like him. The young people went away laughing. Among their chatting, she could hear his name: Khiran.

The afternoon was dedicated to an introduction class to strategy and then the creation of bombs. At the end of the day, Aliya asked Eli to show her a mix. He accepted. But she put too much of an ingredient and the reaction was worrying. As Eli couldn’t stop it, he told Aliya to get off the tent and hardly had they got out that they were projected by the explosion.

-…I think I won’t let you manipulate nitro for now…

-Oh my god, I’m so sorry!

-It doesn’t matter, you’re beginning. Just avoid making us die because of your awkwardness, it will arrange me.

Jay arrived running.

-What the hell happened here?!

-She did a mistake and…

-50 pushups, now! It will teach you discipline!

She executed, tears in her eyes. The pressure Jay put didn’t help her. Eli asked him to spare her. Really angry, Jay refused dryly and ordered him to bring the recruit to the gymnasium after finishing her punishment.

She managed to do it as best she could. Then Eli could take her. Jay was finishing putting his mitts.

-Let’s see how you’re doing in melee.

-Jay…isn’t it a bit too much?

-She almost made you toast, Eli; I don’t accept that kind of shit.

-It’s the beginning, it’s normal to her to do shit sometimes…come on, spare her a…

-Remember what He told to us, Eli.

The tyrant’s replica echoed in the mercenary’s head. He bent it a few seconds, and then left wishing good luck to the young woman.

The latter slowly moved on, frightened by her trainer’s cold look. Hardly had she arrived on the platform that Jay began to beat her. He put her down in ten seconds. Wanting to show that she wasn’t weak, she rose again and again, but always ended on the floor. At a moment, he hit her on her wound.


-You’re dropping your guard!

He gave her a so powerful blow in the stomach that it thrown her back. She stayed on the floor, coughing and crying. After she calmed down, he helped her to stand up. She didn’t dare to look at him, ashamed of her performance.

-I…I’ll do better tomorrow…I…I swear it, chief.

The face of the mercenary softened a little.

-Well…for a first day, that’s not so bad. I’ll take you back. You worked well…globally.

-You…do you think I really can do better?

-From the little I've seen, you seem to have more balls than the others. Work hard and you will show them that you're able to beat people up.

She laughed silently. The soldier took her back and ordered her to wake up on time the day after.

Later, during the dinner, she told her day to Sati and Pagan. The latter got excited by hearing it.

-This is wonderful!

-Well, my performance wasn’t really marvelous…

-I do think that you hold out very well for a first day!

-I think the same; I’m really happy!

-Thank you.

-Oh, I look forward to see what you will be capable of! And imagine our children!


He laughed standing up his chair. He approached her with such a disarming smile that she let her face be stroke gently.

-I am proud of you, my little dove! Continue to do your best and you will become the prettiest mercenary of the world.

On those words, he left. She looked at him, thoughtful, before going to bed, determined to give all she’s got to do it.

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