searching/chapter 12

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I felt frozen, saddened, useless.

Amelia had been missing for a week now.
Missing posters where all over queens.

We where searching ever single day with no stop.

I hated Caroline now I knew I would never set foot near her.

She went to Court for saying I would kill her.

They took my side like any other normal being would.

I got a restraining order against her, and they started searching her house.

I woke up from my phone ringing quickly to pick it up.

Police: we want you to come to the office we think we found your daughter.

I jumped out of the bed screaming for Peter.

I quickly got dressed and ran  to the car with Peter following me out the door.
We didn't mind that we where speeding we had to find out if she's ok or not..

We finally made it to the police station.

They came out to welcome us in.

They all had sad faces it made me have goosebumps.

They said something that I'll never forget.

..... To be continued

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