Prologue part 5: Aftermath

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Emerald's P.o.V:

Me and Cinder were walking towards Mistress Salem's throne room after our failure to capture maiden's powers.. Well that's not true.. as Cinder has at least half of it. But as we were walking I couldn't help but think about that faunus we met before. Y/n was it? He was in the care of the maiden and he called her mom? I couldn't help but think of my mom.. and how she passed away.

We just took away his mom, I couldn't help but feel guilty. But what I didn't understand was his hatred towards Mercury. I know we killed his mom... but why spare us and not Mercury?

We finally entered the throne room and walked towards the Queen of the Grimm: Mistress Salem, who was sitting on throne looking down upon them we bow before her. From the shadows, we can see our other associates: Hazel, Watts, and Tyrain standing from the sides.

Salem: "So... you return to me with only half of the Fall Maiden's powers."

Cinder: *bows her head in shame* "..Yes my queen.. There was some interference as the Maiden had  a powerful ally.."

Tyrain: *chuckles with a sick smile on his face* "I heard from Mercury it was was some Bat Faunus!"

"Hey, it wasn't some bat faunus! I could have sworn I saw scales on him-"

Salem: *interested tone* "Scales? And did the Faunus have abnormally large ears?"

Cinder: *nods* "Yes!" *looks over to see Salem getting up from her throne* "Is something wrong Mistress Salem?"

Salem: *stern but with a hit of fear in her tone* "I feared this day would come...." *Everyone looks over to Salem who walks behind her throne and looks out towards a window* "The reincarnation of Nightmare's Sonata now walks amongst the living."

(Back with Y/n):

Roman P.o.V:

I am currently walking out towards my hideout as I had just finished a masterful Heist!. I don't mean to brag but to most it's a crime, but to me it's a damn thriller and I love it! Anyways when I went inside, I see Neo sitting in the middle of the hallway with a sad look on her face.

"Neo? What are you doing here?

Neo merely looks over to me and then gets up. She then points over towards Y/n, who was sitting on the couch with his back facing away from us. That's odd... he would normally greet me with a happy tone or something.. He's just all quiet. Something definitely wrong. 

I approach Y/n who still hasn't noticed me yet or at least say something. Neo soon approached behind me.

"Hey man, what's-" *When I look over to Y/n, all I could see was tears running down his face with so much sorrow and pain in his eyes.* "Y/n?" *Y/n looks over to me trying to wipe his tears away*  "You okay man?" 

Y/n: *quiet but sad tone* "no..... " 

3rd P.o.V:

Roman and Neo sits beside their friend with Roman putting a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Roman: *concerned tone* "You ... want to talk about it?"

Y/n looks away and stay quiet for a long 3 minutes. Both Neo and Roman give him the time to calm himself before he tried his best to explain everything that happened.

Y/n: *sighs* "Do you remember the orphan that bullied me back in the orphanage?" 

Roman: *Neo nods* "You mean that Mercury guy? What about him?'

Y/n: *somber tone* "...Well let's just say we had a reunion..  and what he and his 'friends' had done.." *stops himself mid-sentence as the memories of his mother dying in his arms flood his mind*

Roman: "What did he do?"

Y/n: *looked up towards the ceilings as he allowed his tears to run down his face* "They killed mom." *Roman and Neo's eyes widen with shock* "They killed mother and I was too late to stop them.."

Roman: *Neo is seen looking away with tears in her eyes* "...That's..horrible.. How the hell did they even find Auntie?"

Y/n: "I don't know.... nor do I know why they did it. All I knew is that Mercury and his friends killed Mom. "

Roman: *looks away pissed off thinking* 'Damn those fuckers will pay..' *speaks up* "I..I'm so sorry for your lost.." *

Y/n:  *Neo nods as well* "It's alright.. you guys did nothing wrong... I got some form of payback.. on Mercury. Let's just say.. that he won't be walking for awhile."

Neo: *signs* I still can't believe Aunt Amber is dead. She was so kind to us.. *looks over to Y/n* What's going to happened now Y/n?

Y/n: "I...I need a place to stay for awhile but I don't want to trouble you g-"

Roman: "Nonsense, you are always welcome here. You can stay as long as you like man." *Neo nods giving Y/n a gentle reassuring smile*

Y/n: "Thanks guys..." 

Roman: "Hey. What are friends for?"

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