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Who kissed me 3

Irst problem: solved correctly.

"Ha, that wasn't hard, next one please." I say with a big grin. This could be easier than I initially thought.

Second problem: Solved incorrectly.

"Ha, no you have to kiss me." Chuck says practically jumping across the table.

"Why so eager." I laugh.

He stares at me, waiting.

"Okay, have at it."

He leans in but I stop him.

"Wait." I say surveying them. "What do I get out of it if I guess who kissed me correctly?"

They get silent.

"How about the person who did it must do your homework for a week." Trinity said nodding her head.

"Okay so you didn't do it." I say. I doubt she would give herself that kind of punishment. "Deal." I agree. It's a fair trade. "Let me close my eyes though." I figure it will be the best way, trying to experience the same kiss in the same way.

Chuck places his lips to mine and I instantly know it's not him. I back away and shake my head.


"How do you know?" He asks looking offended.

"You are way too rough."

"Haha, you suck at kissing." Trinity laughs.

"Yeah, what a blow to your ego." Raymond laughs along.

"Whatever, next problem." He says falling back in his chair.

Third problem: Solved wrong.

"Alright, i'll go next." Raymond says. He walks around the table and beds down, plaes his lips to mine.

I can deny that it was good kiss, though biting my lip was a dead give away.

"No wonder girls fawn over you." I say pushing his face away.

They all laugh.

Fourth problem: Solved correctly.

"I'm next." Trinity shouts throwing her hand in the air.

"You have to wait until she get is wrong dumbass." Cameron rolls his eyes.

Trinity sticks her tongue out at him.

Fifth problem: Solved correctly.

Trinity groans. "Come on already."

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