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"You look oddly happy today Avery" Holly squints leaning against the counter beside me, "spill" she props her tanned fist against the side of her head while her elbow keeps her still.

I turn my head in her direction with my brows cocked at her unexpected question, "What are you talking about?" I ask laughing a bit.

"Oh come on don't start acting all new, every few minutes you'd zone out with a huge smile on your face. Plus you usually look deprived until it's time for the customer-friendly attitude." She declares stepping around me as my eyes follow her movement to her new stance.

"It's nothing really," I say, lifting my hands in defense. I can't deny that there is a possibility of me zoning out frequently. All I can think of at the moment is Sebastian and how hot he makes my blood run from the warmth he gives me. He invites thrill and excitement from things that I wouldn't typically find amusing in this day in age, spending time with him brings back all my love for my childhood activities. The simpler aspects that you can't just randomly buy with money, everything I prayed for as a child just seems right, now more than ever.

"She hung out with her boyfriend last night" Ash cuts in as he digs into his fries and burrito. He doesn't bother to make eye contact, he just smirks and indulges in his food.

I roll my eyes as I straighten out the counter and toss Ash's empty ketchup packets for the fifth time. "If you're gonna eat right in the way of my cleaning, the least you could do is clean up after yourself"

"Why continuously clean when you know I'm eating?" He asks lifting and locking his eyes with mine, "wait till I finish." I fight the urge to lift my palm and slid it with full force across his face.

"No way you have a boyfriend Avery, and you didn't even bother to share with me" Holly frowns and pushes the locks from blocking her eyesight once more.

"He's just this guy I've been hanging out with" I shrug my shoulders brushing the situation but I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and god knows how flushed I can get.

I pick up a fresh cleansing cloth and make my way over to the dining table before giving them quick wipes, I clear the tables of their built-up filth from the entire day as Holly follows closely behind me.

"If you're gonna interrogate me, at least help me attack these tables before the shift ends, yeah?" I grin with a slight shake to my loose curls as she runs to grab a cloth.

The clock just now hit 6:26 and in less than minutes I'll be able to leave this place and finally get some rest after slaving away for hours. Seeing as I've falling to sleep at 3 last night, my exhaustion is all due to Sebastian's unbeatable charisma.

"Hanging doesn't seem like much, Ash why are you implying that she's dating him?" She swings her head in his direction causing him to glance back at her.

Ash instantly looks at me with a pleased grin then back at holly, fuck what are his intentions now?

He clears his throat before looking away from us to speak, "yeah you would think it isn't much until you catch her flashing him on a video call" he laughs causing Holly to gasp dramatically.

"I did not you asshole!" I raise my voice chucking the cloth directly at the back of his head, resulting in all of the filthy sludge spilling over his neck and the sound of his screams echoing.

Just as ash removes the sludge from his neck and holly catches her breath from the intense laughter, a soft knock hits the glass of the front doors causing the three of us to look towards the sound. A familiar smile widens once we make eye contact and he sends friendly waves.

I feel a great relief from seeing Sebastian rather than the creep that tried to break in a few months ago. I'm only used to seeing things like break-ins, etc. on crimes shows and I've always told myself I could never be fooled by such things, until that night. All I did was stand there while he forced his way into the shop to do god knows what; luckily Holly was present, her defense classes have helped her/us tremendously.

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