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Before the night ended in a flash, I texted Sebastian informing him that Alec was going through a lot, and as his best friend, I wanted to comfort him. I didn't text things in that tone at all but that's beside the point, Sebastian only sent one message in return and then failed to respond anymore.

I didn't think anything of it and thought maybe he'd be sleeping so the only thing I could do was go home to get some sleep myself. Alec slept over due to him not being able to drive from being heavily intoxicated. I figured I'd let him drink as much as he wanted since he was going through so much and I'd allow him to spend the night.

This morning we drove to pick up his car from the hospital and surprisingly Alec didn't seem the least bit hung over, whereas I had the slightest headache from only one shot. Alec came straight back to my place with me while I contacted Sebastian yet again. I figured it's a new day, he's definitely awake or maybe he picked up a new shift so I didn't overreach yet again when he failed to respond.

I just hung around Alec while I decided to do a bit of laundry, forcing Alec to help clean around the house as well instead of sitting around and eating all of my snacks as he usually does. I don't mention the heartache I know Alec is going through but I'm worried about how well he's handling things on the outside, lord knows how hard things are on the inside. I just hope he doesn't hold everything in forever and ends up losing his mind.

Later that day, Towards the end of my cleaning session, I got a text from Holly but had hoped it was Sebastian. Holly sent me a text informing me of a house party saying I should come and telling me to bring Alec. Alec and I agreed and fixed ourselves up before heading to the party.

Along the way, Sebastian had sent me a text saying he'd chosen to hang out with that friend from work- Rebekah. This brings me to the thought that he didn't let go of our disagreement the other day and maybe I should've encouraged us to talk it through.

I can't exactly express discomfort for Sebastian's friendship with her because yes my closest friend is a guy so he has every right to befriend a woman... but is Celeste not enough? I shook the overbearing thoughts as we approached the house.

Since I had off today, I hadn't planned to party or even do anything but stay indoors. It only seemed right to get out with Sebastian practically ignoring me but as I said to go out and enjoy myself, I found myself escaping into one of the bedrooms to reach Sebastian which that leads us to now.

I paced back and forth around the room as I sent Sebastian yet another message. Did I seem desperate? Yes. Was this all necessary? No. Did I wonder why Sebastian chose to fucking ignore me out of all days? Absolutely.

A knock lands itself on the door and I watch as Alec leans himself into it, staring at me. "You okay" he asks closing it behind him- blocking out the loud music. I nod sitting on the sofa in the far left of the room. Alec sits beside me and caresses my shoulder.

"What's wrong" Alec huffed and gestured my eyes towards him. As much as I wished against talking about my relationship, I couldn't help but talk excessively. Only wish I hadn't towards the end.

I shake my head hoping to steer his thoughts in a different direction, "I just wish he'd be open while hanging with this 'friend' of his." I sigh air quoting the word.

Alec nods as I read the message Sebastian sends me,
I'll see you tonight V, your place.
There's so much we need to talk about because I refuse to let this fuck with my trust in him.

I catch Alec leaning back from looking over my shoulder. "Avery is it not obvious that he's doing all this on purpose?" I turn to face Alec, my brows furrowed as confusion washed over me.

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