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the sun was bright but the heat hasn't set in, the breeze embarked me into a day I'd longed for this summer, warm/sunny and a slight hint of windy. Something you don't get as often as you'd hope. I pull the latch on the shops door as the familiar bell alerts the crowd of people. As much as I love the feeling outside, the chilly AC in doors hit off the charts.

I drag my hand across my forehead and through my hair as I try my best to wipe the produced sweat off my face due to the now understood heat outdoors. I guess the change in atmosphere does actually humble your awareness. My mind averts from the temperature as I finally make sight of the lady I'd been looking for. Avery stares back at me, bug eyes and enormous smile. She waved angelically in my direction as if she was surprised to see me. Her mood had obviously increased since Id last spoke to her.

I chuckle softly shaking my head as I make my way to the counter, "Alec what are you doing here?" Avery beams once I make it.

"It's been a few days, I wanted to see how you were doing." I nod and she mouth "aw" as her hand grazed her chest.

"I'm doing great, how are you holding up?" Her eyes shifted to slight concern but the last thing I wanted was to revisit my feelings just yet. I have yet to come to terms with reality, being a dad anytime soon isn't on my agenda after all.

"Better than I expected," my smile grows as she does with relief. The things id do to see her smile more.

she nods and takes my order so she can take the line I had noticed expanding behind me. I take my coffee and sit back fiddling with the left behind book until the rush reduces. Who could have guessed twelve in the afternoon would be rush hour in a coffee shop. As time goes by Avery averts my attention back to her and waves me over.

"I can't believe rush hour is at a time like this, is it always this busy?" I question leaning over on the counter, using my forearms for support.

Avery sighs and slides her hand through her hair, "Not exactly, it's just busy today because the owner decided to come out with a new flavor that actually tastes like pure shit"

"You've tasted shit before?" My brows had lifted and Avery bursts into laughter smacking me on the arm.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm just saying, it's not what everyone makes it out to be." Her lips attach to her coffee as she moans in enjoyment. "Now the mocha latte is the only way to go at this shit hole." I can't help but laugh at her aggression, I don't understand why she chooses to stay working at this place when her dad makes as much as he does.

"Wanna hang when your shift ends?" Avery stops for a second then smiles to herself right after. "Sorry Alec, I can't tonight. Sebastian and I have plans"

"Oh so you did talk things through?" I question and she nods continuously smiling.

"It's been great, we've been together non stop these past days. We've just come to an understanding like I'd hoped. I'm sorry, Let's plan another day, maybe this weekend" she smiles and I nod acknowledging her. my smile had faded but I try my best to hide the feeling.

"Of course, no worries" I laugh shaking my head, "I'll probably see what Ash is up to, lord knows he's almost never busy" Avery laughs and jogs around the counter to pull me into a hug.

"Call me whenever, I'm always here for you" She breathes patting my back and shuffling my hair. I nod and turn on my heels to leave the place. I finally sigh to myself as I make it outside. I had held in a breath unexpectedly and finally got the chance to let loose. I don't know why I hadn't expect that, maybe because that's her boyfriend but they were just on the outs a couple of days ago. I thought maybe we'd spend at least some more time together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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