*Five* Chaser

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Jayy ran. He ran after one of their beloved fans as fast as his legs would carry him. Meanwhile, Dahvie stayed behind in the dressing room, trusting that his lover would bring her back.

He wouldn't panic. That wouldn't help in any way. So instead he fixated himself on tidying up himself and the state of the dressing room.

It wasn't long before Jayy returned, a bubbly 11 year old attached to his arm.

'This is Chloe.' Jayy said smiling as his picked her up, making her giggle with delight. The cute little scene girl had bead bracelets up to her elbows and the cutest dimpled smile either boy had ever seen, plus vibrant green eyes that matched that of the green colourant on some of the beads on her arms. 'She's our biggest fan.'

'Oh really?' Dahvie said delightedly. The child called Chloe nodded vigorously.

'And everyone's gonna be so happy that you guys are going out, I have to tell them!' She tried to squirm our of Jayy's grip.

'Woah, there.' He chuckled. 'We need to talk to you about that. But first you need to promise you'll stay here when I put you down, okay?' She pouted then nodded and Jayy placed her down gently.

'Right, Chloe,' Dahvie began, 'you can't tell anyonr about us.' He said slowly and she whined.

'But why not?'

'Because you like our band, right?' She nodded, 'We won't be able to play anymore if our manager finds out about us. We need to talk to him first.' She stared at them without a hint of understanding before slowly coming to terms with it.

'Ohhhhh... that wouldn't be good if they stopped you.' She chewed her lip and sighed, 'But it's going to be so hard not telling my best friend Katy.'

'Is she here with you today?' Jayy asked and Chloe shook her head.

'Her mom wouldn't let her come. We're the only ones who listen to your music in my entire school and her mom doesn't like it.' Chloe's frown was clear but the odd happiness that the boys felt was strange. If only those two listened, then she could tell her friend. It wouldn't matter that the boys weren't there to ensure only Katy heard, because no one else would care.

'Then... in that case... tell Katy, it's cool.' They smiled and she began beaming.

'Really?!' She squeaked.

'Really.' They comfirmed.

'Thank you!' She launched herself at them in a powerful embrace then they signed her sort and high fived her before she left to find her mom again.

'Phew!' Dahvie chuckled.

'So now that's out the way..' Jayy chuckled with a smirk.

'Yeah...?' Dahvie smiled with an arched eyebrow.

'Come here.' Dahvie threw himself at his boyfriend and kissed him powerfully, moving their lips quickly and lustfully. Their tongues were flickering against each other and hands roaming over each other.

'Save it for the stage, boys.'

They broke apart quickly to see their manager in the doorway.

'Oh my god.'

'Uh yeah.' They both stuttered, obviously their manager thought it was their usual stage kissing.

'And by the way. You two dating is fine, just keep me updated in case you get married or something.'
With that their manager took a phone call and walked away.

'How....?' Jayy left the question to linger as he looked at Dahvie. Dahvie just shrugged, without a clue.

'Sorry about that. Anyway, long story short, a little girl was squealing down her cell about you two dating and I overheard. But no worries guys, this is good for your career. We can make this work.' Their manager was wearing a full smile, showing more teeth than usual. They weren't sure whether he was fully comfortable with the idea but rolled with it nevertheless.

'Thank you...?' Dahvie said questionably.

'No, thank you. You have an interview with Alternate Press tomorrow. Be ready, and grt your stories straight. Make us look good.'

Well, that escalated quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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