Chapter 4

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Katsina ' s POV

I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon . As I walk to the kitchen, I see the kids eating and laughing while Izuku is singing. He looks at me and say " Morning sleepy head " with a smile that is brighter than the sun , he sure is handsome.  As I walk to the table I say "Morning " while yawning then he smiles at me then look away continuing with the cooking.

Izuku's POV

I dropped Katsina, Sebatian and Mia at Iida 's and make my way to the shop . Dad came by and told me to come have dinner with them cause they miss me and I haven't been visiting and he wants to spend time with the kids.

* a while later *

Izu: Welcome to Tattoo n piercing, how can I help you ?
Toshi: You can help
Cami: uncle Tochi
Toshi: hey kid how you  been ?
Cami: kood
Izu : Hey man what do you need ? *smile*
Toshi : Man don't smile this brightly you will make regret it more
Izu : regret what
Toshi : Izu I'm sorry but I need you to come and sing for my company
Izu : What?!
Toshi : Izu calm down , I know what I did was wrong and you hate the paps but you are my last hope , it was that or me getting fired pls let me explain
Izu : okay explain
Toshi : okay... uhh .... so I was at meeting and they needed a singer to sing at their annual festival and when they were showing pictures of the people they will choose from I accidentally told them you're my brother *sigh* so my boss said " great we found our shining star " , I tried to tell him you will refuse and told me "Who said about us getting him , you will do it you're his brother after all and if you don't cOnSiDeR yOuR sElF fIeRd " just pls consider helping me Izu....
Izu : *sigh* fine Toshi I will help
Toshi : izu pls ..... wait you will help
Izu : yeahh
Toshi : Thx Izu *hugging Izuku *
Izu : Toshi pls .... I ca...n't .... breath
Toshi : oh sorry
Izu : hey man have dinner with us at dad's
Toshi : sure I have nothing better to do.

*dinner time*

A=Aizawa,  y=Yamada, c = Camilla , S=shawn , izu = Izuku,  T= Hitoshi

A: are you having fun with zuzu kids
C : yes grandpa,  yestertay we had sooo much fun
S: uncle zuku had to babysit some kids , they were nice but his girlfriend was loud
Izu : MY WHAT ?!
All adults : HIS WHAT?!
S: his girlfriend
Izu : What girlfriend
C: Auntie Kat
Izu : she is Not my girlfriend besides she is just Iida ' s little sister
A: Iida has a sister
Y: since when
Izu: I don't know guys , we just babysat together
A: yet she slept at your house
Izu : yeah because. .... I don't okay , he didn't tell me that she will be there
T: yeah but ...
Izu :  no buts , she is NOT my girlfriend *sigh* can we change the subject guys
T: did you tell them *cough* about .... uhmm ..... the uhh you know
Izu : oh that
Y: what that ?
Izu : nothing I will just sing for Toshi's company
A n Y : WHAT ?!
Izu : What
Y : you didn't want to sing for your papa's company but you are singing for them .
A: are you sure problem child?  You never liked those type of events
Izu : They threatened to fire Toshi
A: they what
Izu : dad calm down , I will help Toshi cuz that's what brothers are for to have each others back
T : Izu *sniff* Thank you *sniff*
Izu : There's no need,  Shawn , Cami take that as a lesson you two should have each others back no matter what because one day none of us will be around to save you , you love and care for each other even if it means the whole world will hate you , but you guys will have each other and that is what matters .

Aizawa ' s POV

I can't believe how much he's grown,  I remember the first time I hold him like yesterday,  I sword I would protect him but now he's the one protecting us and I am proud of my baby boy , he grown into a wonderful man and he would be an awesome father to his future kids.

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