3.Do I have a crush?

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Komaru POV:
Hope's Peak Academy
8:00.   (School for them starts at 8:30)

I tripped on a rock not paying attention and still looking at the girl.


"Dang it" I muttered to myself as a response to my clumsiness.

"Komaru! Are you okay?"My brother said helping me up.

"No I am not okay! I just fell on the floor infront of all your friends." I whispered in his ear feeling really embarrassed.

"It fine I fall all the time but they still hang you with me!"He whispered back making me agin some confidence.

"Are you okay? That was quite a fall,though it makes sense considering you are Naegi~Kuns sister."A female with black drills and red eyes said.

"I'm fi-"

"WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN CELESTE!?"My brother yelled cutting me off and pointing at the girl whose name is apparently Celeste. Not an everyday name you hear in Japan.

"It means that you are very much clumsy Naegi." A large man no wait woman said.

"Oh...well then yeah I am clumsy." Makoto said shrugging his shoulders.

"S-so we aren't d-d-doing the introduction i-idea?" The cute girl spoke again.

"No we are,we just got distracted!"A girl wearing a brown skirt and green (bby doesn't know)

"Okay who do you know here lil' egg?"The redhead asked.

"I know Kirigirl~san and Togami!"I said smiling a wide grin. "And I know that girls name is Celeste."I said pointing at the girl.

"I'm Aoi Asahina!"

"I am Sakura Ogami."

"Name's Leon Kuwata."

"I'm Chihiro Fujisaki."

"My name is Celestia Ludenberg. Continue to call me Celeste."

"I AM KIYOTAKA ISHIMARU! Pleasure to meet you."

"Mondo Owada" (I forgot how to spell his name)

"I'm Sayaka Maizono" I frowned at her.

"I-i'm T-" [BING BONG!]

The girl was cut off by the bell,letting us know that class is going to start.

"OH! WE MUST HURRY TO CLASS! REFRAIN FROM RUNNING!" Taka yelled waving and speedwalking towards class.

"Uhm..does he ever not yell?"I asked Makoto while everyone walked towards their class.

"On a rare occasion he talks normally" Makoto responded, laughing a little.

I laughed aswell.

"Anyway cya around sis! And maybe check your wrist ;)" My brother said before running to class tripping over his shoelaces with each step.

I took his advice and checked my wrist only to see a written message that I assumed was from my soulmate.

              'Happy Birthday...I guess'

"Wow they have nice handwriting!"I thought to myself while smiling.

A boy with pink hair and a beanie looked at me weirdly and ran away. Most likely scared from me smiling at my arm...

I wrote on my other wrist 'awww thanks!'

On my cheek I wrote 'Hope you're a girl lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

After writing that on my cheek I wiped it off with a tissue because I want to have a good first day and not be embarrassed :D.

"Guess it's time to go to class." I muttered.


Words 631

The reason Toko and Komaru don't recognize eachother is because they look different.

Komaru has medium length hair and bangs. She wears a short sleeve white button up shirt and a dark brown skirt.

Toko a long singular braid. Her hair is black with purple ends. She wears black leggings,a white shirt and a purple vest. Toko has an red armband because she is the leader (and only member) of the writing club.

They also haven't regained all of their memories back so they know that there was someone important with them during the killing game but they forgot eachothers name.

Syo remembers Komaru though!

Hope that sums it all up!

R a w r🖤

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