chapter four

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"GUESS WHAT," MONICA SINGSONGED. It was 8:30 in the morning and she had been calling me nonstop until I picked up. I was not amused.

"What," I grumbled into the phone, hoping that whatever it was she had to tell me, it was worth it.

I was one who loved my sleep. I never slept past noon, but I also never woke up before nine o'clock either. 11 AM was the perfect time for me, and naturally, that's when my body would wake me up during the weekends.

"I got you invited!" She squealed on the other end and I pulled the phone away from my ear, wincing. She was just a tad too loud.

It took me a while to register those words, and when I did, I straightened up in my bed, fully awake now.

"How?" I asked.

"Well, I simply just asked her if I could bring a friend and she said yes, as long as it was just only one person."

"That easy?" I thought Ginny would be stubborn about it, but I guess not.

"I know! She's actually pretty nice," Monica was shuffling through her closet now and I scrunched up my nose in disbelief at her reply. There was no way Ginny Andrews was nice, not after that death glare she gave me last night.

"Anyways, I was thinking that we could go shopping for an outfit for tonight?" Monica questioned and I thought about it for a bit. I had plenty of clothes in my closet, but it wouldn't hurt to get something new for this party.

"Let me ask my mom," I left her on hold for a bit as I searched the house. I found my mom in the kitchen and it seemed like she'd already read my mind.

"What's going on tonight?" She took a sip of her coffee and I hesitated before I told her I'd been invited to a party.

"As long as you're home before midnight and you stay with Monica the whole time, you can go," she didn't look up at me once, her eyes glued to her Home & Garden magazine. I gave her a quick thanks and walked back up to my room.

"Pick me up at 10:00?" I inquired.

"Sure thing!" Monica happily replied and hung up after that. I smiled to myself and started to get ready.


"What look are you going for?" Monica stood next to me in the clothing store, my eyes taking in all the different possibilities that I could combine.

"Anything that catches my eye," I remarked.

I started to look through the racks of clothing. There were a lot of shirts that I liked, but I found a ribbed, long-sleeved off-the-shoulder white shirt that had brown buttons on it. It stole my eye. It was cropped but if I found jeans high-waisted enough it would work. Monica seemed to like it too and I smiled to myself. I ended up grabbing a pair of light-washed jeans that had holes in the knee-caps and went to try it on.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I noted how the jeans hugged at my curves perfectly. The top still managed to show some of my midriff and hung pretty low. I stared at myself, not sure if I liked how low the top hung. As someone with a bigger chest, it was hard to find clothes that could fit me perfectly, without people thinking the worst of me.

I debated with myself for a while until Monica rapped on th door. "Come on Finnley, I want to see it!" She begged.

I bit my lip and started to pull the top up higher to hide some of the cleavage it was already showing. I quickly realized that if I did that my whole stomach would be showing, and I wasn't really comfortable with that. I didn't want a bunch of random guys to be eyeing my skin. Reluctantly, I pulled the top back down and walked out of the dressing room.

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