Chapter - 10

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Sidharth had been narrating their (his and Shehnaaz's) phone conversation to his mother, not the line-by-line details for sure but the crux of it about how she had a picture of him now from a magazine even he didn't know had his interview printed on it and how even after two years she has not forgotten him, the confession part was smoothly skipped too when the phone resounded. He had only one person in mind who he was expecting to call back. Alas, it was not her but a work call which was no less exciting as it had brought an amazing opportunity at his career front.

He was almost lifeless few months back and now watching him revive was peaceful for his mother. She would join prayer meetings for him, would even arrange few, wishing a better life for them. No, not into superstitions or such practices but praying or meditating for your own mental peace and some for your loved ones, works as a miracle sometimes. An ardent believer of 'The Bramha Kumaris' preaching's, she mostly followed spirituality as a way of life. And it definitely helps to make peace with yourself in this soon to be world of chaos and anarchy that metro cities had already started to feel the effects of. Parenthood is the most beautiful part of one's life but when you see your kids in pain, you yourself suffer the agony. That's when she introduced herself to Bramha Kumaris where they followed a maxim that said, 'Meditation is not just an experience of peace but a deep realization that I am peace' and she was completely drawn towards it. So, when she had no one to share her discomfort, she chose her own soul as a companion to bypass the ache of seeing her son go through such phase of life. At the end she stood up strong to held him stronger. And now rejoicing his happiness as hers.

"What an amazing day it was!!" He exclaimed.

"I can see that..." She replied smiling at her son.

"Maa the call was for a tour regarding an advertisement!! Multiple foreign countries in the list and could be a Month-long tour!" He spoke beaming in joy.

"Really!? Congratulations Bachche!!" She congratulated him on having won one of a kind opportunity that too at a very initial stage of his career. It was indeed a big deal. She was happy and gratified. She closed her eyes sending a quick prayer to the one above all, followed by a gentle kiss on Sidharth's forehead.

"I have not confirmed yet but the second-best thing that happened today...feels so good!" He replied sighing with a twinkle in his eyes.

She could comprehend his emotional state and it genuinely was the best day so far in the last many months as he was smiling with his heart today. If he was happy, she was beyond contented. But there still subsists a question in the back of her mind. It would have been an out of the world feeling for the two young souls and probably the most exciting time when they would have spoken to each other after so long but what she didn't clearly know was which way to think of it. Should she just connect to her parents and talk of an alliance? Or should wait for Sidharth to settle down properly and then ask for it. Its only been near an year that Sidharth had been pursuing his walk of life in clear senses. And to distract him from the flow when he had actually started to achieve smallest of the things, would not be fair for him or even his career. It may bring a halt, and it was not what she wanted for her son. Fair enough, she is not bringing the topic yet, until Sidharth approves of it on his own. With the thought in mind, she spoke.

"To ab? You willing to go for it?" She asked.

"Of course, Mom...why would I not?" He replied the obvious.

"That's good Bachche! Give it your best shot...mauke vaise bhi baar baar nahi milte jab mil raha ho, you should just grab it!" She gave him the wisdom piece.

"Thank you Maa!" He embraced her in a bear hug.

"Always Welcome Mera bacha!" She replied rubbing his back.

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