{7. Their Arrival}

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For a whole week, every single day was the same.

I woke up to Beau still in the floor. He'd wake up minutes later, and stand behind the screen and get ready for the day. Then I'd dress while he got the wagon ready and we'd leave. We'd travel from sun-up until sundown. When we find a saloon with room,  our nights are the same as our first night. 

Our conversations have been nothing but awkward, and forced small talk. Yesterday, I finally found the courage to ask him what agreement he had with my father that was broken.

"What?" Beau questions with a forced frown. I can see from under his hat, as he looks down at me, how his eye widen in surprise.

"My father mentioned that the two of you had a deal, that he broke it off and that's why you stopped coming around a few months after mom died."

"It was nothing." Beau's tone is curt, and I huff in response knowing I won't get an answer. "It was something personal and difficult to explain, Brianna." He sighs minutes later. "I-I don't know how to- You're father had agreed that if you didn't want the mercantile, I could run it, but then Wyatt wanted it and..." He shrugs his broad shoulders. "I was angry at first but I guess I decided it was for the best."

"That wasn't so hard was it?" I force myself to smile, despite the multiple thoughts swirling through my mind. Why would Papa give the shop to Wyatt when he wanted to go to politics? How could he back out on the deal with Beau? Why did Beau even want the mercantile when he always spoke of buying a farm?

Beau mentioned this morning that we should be at his brother's farm tonight in time for supper. We'll stay there before unloading the wagon at his own - our farm tomorrow. Tonight, we'll stay at his brother's far-"

My hand darts out and grips Beau's arm. 

"Your brother isn't expecting me."

Beau chuckles lightly. "No. He's in for quite the surprise."

"And your parents!" I gasp, picturing his mother and father in their small watch shop. Their youngest son married and they had no knowledge. "What will you tell your family?"

"The truth?" He questions, frowning when I look at him and he must notice the panic I feel. "Not the truth?"

"You can't tell them." My hand comes up to feel my jaw, the bruises have faded but memory of Wyatt's grip...

"Then we don't have to tell them." He assures me with a nod. "I asked you last minute if you'd come with me and you did."

I sigh in relief, what would his family think of me if they knew I had to beg their youngest son, to take me away, that I ruined any chance he had of falling in love with someone there, someone that know's how to help him run his farm. I drift off into my own thoughts on the multiple different reaction Beau's family could have. I don't even notice until hours later, that my hand still rests in the crook of his arm.


The sun is just setting when Beau points to the small house far away, at the center of a cornfield. 

"That's Owen house, we're almost there."

Anxiety builds up in the pit of my stomach. 

What will his family say when they see me? They've always been kind to me, but will this be too much of a shock? 

The wagon slows as it approaches the house, there's a couple sitting in rocking chairs, they stand when the wagon rolls into their line of vision. I can tell the moment they notice me because Owen's clean shaven jaw suddenly falls open and a confused frown covers his beautiful wife's face.

"Oh." I gasp, getting a good look at her the red-headed beauty as the wagon stops and they stand. Beau had told me that the young woman his brother married was beautiful he hadn't done her justice.

"Brother." Owen's deep voice reaches us as he steps off his porch and starts to approach the wagon. He looks so much like his younger brother its shocking. it their eyes though, that makes at easy to tell them apart. Beau has green eyes that are as green as the forest. "Miss. Rosen," Owen then addresses me, the shock on his face completely evident. "Please, forgive my surprise," Owen's grey-blue eyes dart to Beau beside me and then back to me. "My family was not expecting you."

"Abigail," Beau say from behind me, drawing all eyes to him as he jumps down from the wagon and walks around the horses to stand in front of me."I'd like you to meet Brianna Locksley, my wife."

Abigail's crystal blue dart from Beau to me, then to Owen and back to me. Suddenly, a large, genuine, smile crosses her face. "Brianna," Her voice is soft, and calming, and I instantly start to feel at ease. "It's wonderful to meet you. I've actually heard so much about you from-"

"Me!" Owen suddenly shouts, wrapping his arm around his wife's slender waist. "I talk all the time about the trouble I made, especially in your parents mercantile."

Abigail looks at her husband. "Yes, well, I'm sure you both are hungry, we have a  potato stew in the house for supper."

Beau hold out his hand for me to help me down from the wagon. My body aches from the continuous travel, and, even though I've had a bath last night, I feel filthy.

"Our farm is about a mile and a half that way." He points out to where the sun has just set. "We'll go in the morning."

"Darling," Owen releases his wife from his hold. "Why don't you take Brianna inside while I help Beau take the wagon into the farm."

"Of course, come in, please." She holds her hand out to me, and I cautiously take it. Beau's own hand, momentarily spreads across my lower back, to gently push me forward. "They'll be in in a few moments."


I hope this doesn't seem rushed, but I thought their travels everyday would seem a bit redundant. 

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