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I'm so so so so sorry it took me so long! I'm the Queen of Procrastination, so yeah. I procratsinated. I've also started a second story about Teen Titans. If you've heard of Teen Titans, read it! If you haven't heard of them, read anyway!

"Get 'em!" Lou screamed, and ran at me, while Zayn ran at Libby. Louis picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. I shrieked and pounded on his back, and I could hear Libby doing the same.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

"Never!" Then the crazy boy proceeded to run with me, Zayn following close behind.

"Save the girls!" Niall cried, and I heard the others yell in agreement.

"Taylor!" Libby shouted at me. She was reaching her hand out to me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I grabbed her hand, which was very hard to do by the way, then decided I should use both hands. You just never knew with her.

Libby heaved on my arm, and I was jerked towards her. Louis wobbled dangerously, but kept running. Zayn seemed to realize what we were trying to do, so he slowed down a bit. I got an idea, and I could tell Libby had had the same idea. We tightened the grip we had on each others hands and tensed up.

"Now!" We yelled at the same time Harry and Niall did.

Libby and I pulled towards each other as hard as we could, causing Lou to stagger back into Zayn. They both started to fall, and nearly squished me and Libs.

I was preparing myself to be squashed when I felt strong arms wrap around me and pull me off. The person had pulled me off a little too hard, and I ended up pressed firmly against their chest.Warm, rough hands gripped my arms lightly, and a giddy, tingling sensation ran through me. Breathing heavily, I looked up to see Harry grinning at me. I blushed right up to the roots of my hair for the third time, and Harry's grin got bigger.

"Hi," I said breathlessly, thoroughly embarrassed.


Louis stumbled back and collided with Zayn, narrowly missing my head. I heard Taylor squeak and hoped she wasn't hurt, but then decided I had bigger things to worry about. Like the fact that Zayn was about to squish me.

I closed my eyes tightly, only to open them again as I was pulled against a warm chest. Blinking owlishly, I looked up a Niall. Heat rose up my neck and to my cheeks, much to my embarrassment.

"Hi," I said brilliantly.

"Hello," Niall said, and my knees went weak. Oh my dear sweet Lord, his accent was gorgeous.

"You're cute when you blush," he said, which only made me blush more.

"Oi!" Zayn shouted at us. "You lovebirds need to break it up! You're taking all the fun out of this."

Niall let go of me, blushing almost as much as I was. I looked over at Taylor to see her and poor Harold in a similar situation. Taylor looked like a tomato on legs. I would have to interrogate her about that later.

"I have brownies!" My mom was standing in the entryway to the house with a fresh from the oven pan of brownies. My mom made the best brownies in the world. She always sprinkled powdered sugar on the top and pulled them out of the oven a little early so they were still gooey on the inside. She also put in melted chocolate chips when it was a special occasion. I really hoped this counted as a special occasion.

"Brownies!" All of the boys screamed screamed and ran across the lawn towards my mom. Taylor and I stood there, stunned.

"I think we just got abandoned for brownies," I said, as the boys attacked the pan of brownies like vultures.

"True," Taylor said, "but your mom's brownie's rock!"

We raced each other to get the remnants of the brownies. Niall was holding two in one hand and chewing another. He had powdered sugar on his nose and around his mouth. The image was so adorable that I started giggling.

"What?" he said after he swallowed. Taylor noticed and looked over at me. She saw Niall and started giggling too.

"What's so funny?" he demanded, scowling back and forth between us.

"You have powdered sugar everywhere!" I laughed.

Niall grabbed a napkin and wiped hurriedly around his mouth and chin, but missed the spot on his nose. Still giggling a little, I took the napkin from him and wiped his nose.

"Alright lovebirds!" My mom said. "You can have your moments somewhere else."

"Mom!" I yelped. She always did stuff like that to me. Of course she would do it in front of an internationally famous boy band. I figured the only reason the other boys hadn't joined in was because their mouths were full of brownie.

"Well," Liam said after swallowing his brownie, "we'd better be going. We have other auditions to do."

"Libby, do you have your stuff packed?"

"No, but it'll only take me a minute." I bolted inside and stuffed my nicer jeans and t shirts into a duffle bag. I quickly laced up my worn combat boots, and, checking that the teal duct tape on the toe was secure, ran back to join the others.

The boys were already in the car, and Melanie had just pulled up with the pizza rolls, which she looked a bit annoyed about. Taylor was sadly getting in the car with Mel. She gave me a half hearted smile and a wave.

"Be safe honey," my mom said. She kissed me on the cheek and told me to make her proud. I smiled and nodded, then ran to the SUV.

I was about to climb in when Taylor walked up to me. She smiled sadly at me. I threw my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. What I wouldn't give to take her with me.

"I wish I could come with you," she said as if she was reading my mind.

"I wish you could too," I said past the lump in my throat.

"And I wish Taylor would stop being so mopey and get in the car with us."

Taylor and I looked at Harry incredulously, then back at each other. There was a five second silence before Taylor whooped and hugged Harry. She had her arms around his neck and her head just under his chin. Harry was stunned, but in a good way.

"Alright people," said the man who was driving. I vaguely recognized him from yesterday as the security guard Paul. "We have to get a move on before the pap knows we're here."

"Road trip!" Louis yelled.

We all laughed, and I knew, no matter what happened now, my life would never be the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 ⏰

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