Praise the Lord for Cell Phones and Fuzzy Socks!

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I love all of you people, but you should really fan me. Seriously. But anyway, I'm very sorry this took me so long. I was a busy child. Next time it takes me so long, feel free to yell at me. I need motivation.


I waited until I was sure that Taylor was asleep before I moved. She would kill me is she knew what I was going to do, but I was curious.

Being careful not to make a sound, I tip toed over to taylor’s bedside table, where she had set her laptop. With exaggerated slowness, I picked up the laptop and the mouse. When I turned it on, the bright light nearly blinded me. Muttering a low string of cuss words, I turned the brightness to its lowest setting.

I went about opening youtube and pulling up my video, wincing at every click of the mouse and stroke of the keys. Taylor was a pretty heavy sleeper, but not as much when she had first fallen asleep. Before the video even started, I muted it and scrolled straight to the comments.

The two top comments made me smile. The first one said that I had a gorgeous voice, and that I was pretty. The second one had a very vivid description of how much of a jerk Gerald was, including a few colorful suggestions of where he could stick his rules.

Nearly every comment was similar, and I counted about twenty that said Niall and I would make a cute couple. I saw the occasional hate comment, but I ignored them. Most of them were completely untrue anyway, not to mention they were just a bunch of over used swear words thrown together to make what I was sure the person thought was a creative insult.

There was one comment that made me pause. The username was ‘PeytonDiVa18’, and her comment actually stung a bit.

Oh please. Everyone is just telling this girl that she’s pretty and has a good voice because they feel bad for her. If she had money, then she would be just another contestant. An attention seeking, whiny, selfish one at that. She’s probably sitting at home, basking in the attention. Trust me, if this was any other person, especially a rich one, she would be getting a lot less support and a lot more hate. I don’t care if I get hate. It won’t bug me.

              Frowning, I looked through the replies. There was one person who agreed, but most people were on my side. It made me feel better, but part of me worried that she was right. What if I was only getting the support because people felt sorry for me?

             I hated pity. It didn’t help me, and I could take care of myself, thanks. We had all of our basic needs and went to school. If someone wanted to help, they could help, just as long as I didn’t feel like a charity case. 

              I looked at the time and swore softly. It was nearly two in the morning! How long had I been staring at the screen?

              Quietly, I closed the laptop and set it back on the side table. I grabbed a few pillows and blankets before curling up on one of the huge, soft bean bags. I sank into a blissful, dreamless sleep.

              When I woke up, the only thing I could see was a blur of color. I struggled to focus on what was in front of me. Practically cross eyed, I focused in on Niall’s face.

             “Holy crap!” I yelped, instinctively lashing out. My fist connected with the... fabric? What the heck? I sat up to see Taylor and Melanie rolling on the floor, laughing their heads off, and holding the offending Niall pillow.

             “That... was... awesome!” Taylor gasped around fits of laughter. Melanie was laughing too hard to form a coherent sentence.

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