Boys, Intros, and Pizza Rolls

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Me: *curled up in depression corner and crying*

 Taylor: What's her problem?

 Me: Weeks. It's been weeks! I'm a terrible author!

 Libby: No you're not.

 Melanie: It has been about three weeks though...

Me: *anime arrow stab*

 Taylor: Maybe she doesn't care about us...

Me: *dozen anime arrow stabs*

 Libby: Maybe you guys are right...

 Me: *faints*

“Libby?” I hadn’t realized how anxious I was until Niall’s Irish accent soothed me.

“Hi!” I chirped. I know it sounds weird, but that’s honestly the only way I could describe how I said that.

“Guess what!” Niall singsonged. If my mom’s excitement had been tangible, then Niall’s was nearly suffocating.

“What?” I was getting excited just listening to him. The Irish boy’s enthusiasm was contagious.

“You got on the show!” Niall yelled, and I held the phone away from my ear a little bit.

“Seriously!?” I started bouncing around while Mel, Taylor, and Mom looked at me like I was insane. I was a bit crazy though.

“Yeah! Is it okay if me and the boys come and pick you up?” He sounded worried, like there was any way in heck that I would say no.

“As if I would refuse! Of course you can! Oh my gosh, I love you guys so much right now!” Taylor’s eyes lit up, and I knew she had figured out what we were talking about. She grabbed Melanie’s shoulders and started having a minor freak out.

“Awesome!” Niall said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. “You put your address on the application, so we shouldn’t need directions. Unless Louis drives. Then we’re gonna need all the help we can get.”

I laughed, especially when I heard Lou in the background, yelling about killing Niall with carrots and Kevin. Taylor was looking at me like I was nuts. I mouthed Louis’s name, and she grinned.

“Call me when you’re here,” I said, spinning around anxiously. Was this what Taylor meant when she said she was a puddle of feels?

“Look outside.”

No. Effing. Way.

I dashed over to the window and almost dropped the phone. A black SUV was parked in my driveway. The windows were so deeply tinted that I couldn’t see anything more that shapes. I clicked the phone off and practically threw it at Taylor. She squeaked and barely caught it as I nearly tripped over myself getting out the door.

Niall was climbing out of the SUV as I came tearing down the porch steps. His bleached hair glinted in the bright autumn sunlight, and he had the biggest grin on his face. Before he could react, I slammed into him. My arms were around his neck, and our bodies were pressed together from all the momentum I had.

Poor Niall would have fallen flat on his bum had Zayn not been climbing out of the vehicle at that moment. He grabbed Niall’s elbow to steadied him. Niall had his arms around my waist and his face in my hair.

“Well this is cute.” I looked up to see Lou smirking at us with his arms crossed.

“Louis!” I yelled, letting go of Niall and running. The poor boy thought I was trying to hurt him,but I just wanted a hug. I caught him and gave him a noogie.

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