All I've Ever Wanted

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       I love half of this part. The other half I want to punch the people I made. Or at least one. I hope you like it!

The first judge was an older man with steel gray hair and hard lines around his jaw and eyes. I got the feeling he wasn’t someone I wanted to mess with. The first boy, whom I was pretty sure was named Liam, had flippy light brown hair and dark eyes. He was laughing at the two boys next to him, and I couldn’t help cracking a smile too. Louis was grinning like a moron and trying to give Harry a noogie. Harry was covering his curly brown hair with his arms and laughing. The one with black hair, Zayn, was looking at me with intense dark eyes that made me blush a bit.

       “Hello.” A thick Irish accent caught my attention, and I looked over at the last boy.

        All of the air in my body seemed to rush out, making it hard for me to think clearly. The boy had the most brilliant eyes I had ever seen. Their bright blue color was clearly visible from the stage, and his bleached hair glinted in the dim light. I could see the hints of dark brown regrowth, but I thought it was cute. His perfect mouth was stretched in a close lipped smile that made me blush deeply. His simple white t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders quite nicely.

       “Hi,” I said, glad that my voice came out strong and confident instead of the nervous squeak I’d been worried would come out.

       “What’s your name?” asked the same Irish boy who had spoken. I couldn’t remember his name for the life of me, but now I really wanted to know.

       “Liberty Osborn.” Zayn and the blond boy exchange glances, and I got the feeling it was about me.

       “Well, Liberty,” Zayn said, “In case you don’t know who we are, I’m Zayn. The smiley blond bloke next to me is Niall.” I smiled shyly at Niall, who blushed to the roots of his hair.

       “The cheeky one with curly hair,” Zayn continued, “is Harry.”

       “Hello!” he crowed, and I laughed. Niall got a dreamy expression on his face, and Zayn nudged him and waggled his eyebrows. I blushed again, but thankfully neither of them noticed.

       “The crazy one next to Harry is Louis.” Louis pulled a funny face, and I laughed.

       “And Kevin!” Louis held up a stuffed pigeon for me to see. Confused, I glanced back at Zayn, who just shrugged. Louis laughed at my bemused expression and made loud, obnoxious squawking noises while waving Kevin around.

       Niall started laughing, his head tipped back, and I stared at him. He had the cutest, quirkiest laugh I’d ever heard. It was contagious, and I started laughing too. Soon everyone but the stuffy old judge was laughing.

       “I’m Liam.” He had short light brown hair and warm brown eyes. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

       “And the guy with a broom handle shoved up his-” Niall broke off under Harry’s reproving look. A pink tinge crept across his cheeks.

        “I was going to say butt,” Niall muttered.

       “Sure you were.” Zayn smirked. Niall opened and closed his mouth a few times, but apparently couldn’t think of a comeback. He settled for a dirty look and sat back in his seat.

       “Anyway…” Harry said a bit louder than necessary. “The stuffy guy is Gerald. He’s going to be the judge through the entire contest. We just do the auditions.”

       “Good afternoon,” Gerald said in a haughty tone. I suppressed a groan. I hated haughty people. They always thought they were better than me just because I had to work harder for, well, everything. I couldn’t blame Niall for his description, even though I hated swearing.

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