Bake an cake with y/n, Jeff, Ben, and Liu

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"The camera would be recording right now.."

"You dumbass Jeff it's already recording."

"Oh shit- is it?"

"No shit Jeff"

"Helloooo everyone!! Welcome to.. uh the y/n, Ben, Liu, and Jeff show!"

Y/n waved at the camera sweat dropping, Ben and Jeff laughed while Liu sigh

"That's a long ass title Y/n"

"Shut up Jeff"

Y/n glared at Jeff, Jeff who rolled his eyes

"Anyway, today were going bake a cake! For slender actually, since we cause him way too many trouble so.. we decided to bake a cake for him."

"Well.. the others didn't really agreed or just lazy"

Ben finished y/n's sentence for them.

"I didn't really agreed to this.. y'all just forced me into this.."

Liu glare at all of them, Jeff snort at him in response

"Eh. Anyway,, so.. we brought all the materials we need the store, well, mostly steal"

Jeff said at the camera

"We didn't really have some money with us so we just.. pretty much have no choice but to steal it."

Y/n looked at them

"Do we even know how to bake a cake?"


Silence filled the kitchen

"Well.. No."

Liu sweat dropped

"Well fuck it were searching how to bake an cake."

"We don't really have a choice but to search how dumbass, pretty sure everyone knew that."

Jeff and Liu glared at each other

"I swear to you're stitched crusty face that I'll kill you again"

"Try me you edge lord small-burned-dick motherfuck"

"Andd.. there goes the siblings fighting again.."

"Eh they wouldn't stand a minute without fighting each other."

Y/n said to Ben, Ben laughed at y/n watching the siblings fight each other.

"Whatever. Let's search how to bake an cake."

Y/n took out their phone and searched how to bake an cake on YouTube

"Okay so, apparently we have to put out the bowl or pan where were gonna bake our cake."

Y/n took out an medium sized bowl that is an rectangle shaped

"And we need to put some butter around the bowl"

"Even the outside of the bowl?"

"No you dumbass"

Y/n put the butter around the bowl, as Ben watched them.

"And then we have to put the flour around it to-"

Y/n got cut off because the brothers fell in front of Ben and y/n, the brothers accidentally broke the bowl.





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