Chapter 4: A Broken Heart

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Author's Note: What's up everybody?! Welcome to chapter 4. Hope ya guys enjoy!

Intro Music: Spider-Man: The New Animated Series Theme


Boy, that escalated quickly.

Has anybody ever seen Peter Parker, the nerd of Midtown High, stand up to Flash? Or if you wanna go even farther, has anybody ever seen Peter Parker that upset?

It was a shock to everybody, but he was clearly fed up. Not only was he frustrated at Flash's bullying, but he felt betrayed by his former friend.

After a certain amount of time, people are bound to blow up if you continue to piss them off, and this was Peter's exact situation.

Peter walked inside Midtown High, not wanting to be bothered with anyone or anybody. He was also walking with a slight limp. Dang it, if Flash had just left him alone, his leg wouldn't have been reaggravated. Alas, it was, and it wasn't feeling good.

He eventually fell to the floor, gritting his teeth as he held his leg in pain.


Peter heard his name being called out, his head turning around to see Felicia running towards him. Not too far behind Felicia was Harry, Gwen, and Miles. All of them helped Peter back to his feet like the good friends they were.

Usually, Peter would thank them, but his emotions were running so high right now it didn't even come to mind.

"Man Pete, how hard did Flash kick you? Does it really hurt that bad?" Harry asked, Peter at first being silent about it.

Obviously, Flash's kick would've done nothing if it wasn't for Peter getting shot in the leg hours earlier.

Not wanting the silence to go on for too long, he soon came up with an answer. "Yeah. Guess he got me pretty good, huh?" he spoke unenthusiastically, but what he didn't notice was Felicia analyzing him.

She kept on looking at Peter's leg, which was oddly enough, the same leg Spider-Man got shot in last night.

But this was all some conspiracy, right? Spider-Man could take bullets to the leg and continue to swing around New York in the same night. Peter? Peter Parker? This dude barely survived a kick from Flash Thompson.

But what if something happened to him before the kick? Is that why Flash's kick seemed a lot stronger than what it really was?

Was Flash Thompson Spider-Man?!

Peter soon noticed Felicia looking at his leg, so he would try to get her attention. "Everything okay, Felicia?" he asked, making Felicia snap out of it.

"I should be the one asking you that," she told him, referring to his leg but also another thing. "I've never seen you get so angry before, especially at Flash."

"Lots and lots of build up, I assume." Miles spoke, giving his guess on why Peter blew up. "Quite frankly, I think it's about time it happened."

Gwen would add her two cents. "Though, you did kinda mention his alcoholic father... That might've been a bit too much." She pointed out, bringing it to Peter's attention which made his eyes go wide.

His palm reached his face, visibly showing frustration. Was he mad at Flash? Obviously. Did he cross the line in bringing up his family? Yes.

But for a short moment, Peter lost it. Even with all the things Flash has done to him in the past, Peter still feels like crap because it shouldn't have gone that far.

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