Chapter 2: Parker Luck

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Intro Music: Spider-Man TAS 1994 Theme

After the somewhat chaotic night Peter Parker had, he really needed some time to rest. While he would finally make it home, he still had some business to do to completely finish off his day. Changing back into his regular clothes, Peter came inside his home. The first person to greet him, obviously, was Aunt May. She was patiently, yet not so patiently, waiting for him.

"I'm home, Aunt May." Peter said with a smile. Aunt May smiled back, but her face looked like she was worried. Oh great, this made Peter feel bad.

"I'm glad you're home, Peter. I just wish you coming home late wasn't a consistent thing." In Aunt May's defense, it was rather late, and well... she's already lost someone very close to her.

Peter's smile eventually turned into a frown, looking down at the floor like a kid who got in trouble, even if Aunt May didn't mean for him to feel that way. "I'm sorry. I know you're rightfully worried. My job just keeps me out late at night."

Technically, he wasn't lying.

"I know. Your job is one of the many reasons why I'm worried about you." Aunt May told him, her tone being concerned. "You taking pictures of that Spider-Man is super dangerous. I mean, what if he doesn't like you taking pictures of him and you end up being attacked?"

Peter sighed at this. Spider-Man is loved by a lot people, but he's also hated by a lot of people. He wouldn't say Aunt May hates Spider-Man, but she does have her suspicions about him. "Naaah. That won't happen, trust me. Spider-Man wouldn't hurt me."

"And how do you know that?!" Aunt May shouted, Peter's eyes getting wide as he even took a step back. It didn't take too long for Aunt May to realize that she shouted at her nephew, and about 5 seconds afterwards, she slowly began to cry.

Spider-Man OST - Alone

"I'm sorry, Peter..." she spoke, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes as her voice became shaky. "All of this relates to your Uncle Ben, and... I just don't want to lose you too." It was clear that she was still hurt by the loss of her husband, extremely hurt.

Though, as horrible as she felt, Peter somehow felt even worse.

"I think to myself at times, were I to face the one responsible for what happened, I'd... Oh, I don't know what I'd do."

As she was explaining this, Peter got lost in thought, thinking back to the day where Uncle Ben was taken away from him and Aunt May. It wasn't just the fact he was killed, it was the fact that Peter could have prevented the tragedy from happening.

"I have no one to blame but myself. If only I had stopped him, then he would still be with us right now."

Hearing Aunt May say this literally broke Peter's heart, making him feel an extreme amount of guilt. It's like she hates herself for not stopping Uncle Ben. All things being considered, Peter would rather have Aunt May hate him instead of hating herself, because he feels like he's the one who's truly responsible.

It's been something he's wanted to talk to her about for a long, long time, but he's never mustered up the courage to actually say it.

I mean, can you really blame him?

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