Chapter 5: The Revelation

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Author's Note: Welcome to chapter 5, everyone! Buckle up, because this one is gonna get crazy!

Intro Music: Spider-Man Unlimited Theme


BGM: The Amazing Spider-Man - Peter's Suspicions

After Peter got done cleaning the basement, now it was time to get to the bottom of things. He would go up stairs and enter his room, carrying the mysterious USB that he found in a suitcase. Closing his door and locking it, he wanted to make sure there weren't any interruptions during his investigation.

If he were just regular old Peter Parker, you could say he might be taking things a bit too seriously for some little USB drive.

But Peter Parker isn't only Peter Parker, as you all know. His Spider-Man side was telling him something was up, and he was going to figure this thing out.

Making his way to his chair and desk, he sat down and logged on to his computer. He took another look at the USB drive, truly not knowing what to think. He figures it might be important, but how important is it?

Heck, who's USB was this to begin with? Aunt May isn't computer savvy, at least to his knowledge. It wasn't his. Did somebody drop this off? And if so, who?

So many questions, no answers.

And there's only one way to get answers.

"Here goes nothing," Peter told himself, inserting the USB into his computer. He started opening all the files that were available to him.

The first thing to pop up?


Peter's eyebrow immediately raised, confusion coming onto his face as he read the file's title. "Wilson Fisk?" he said, seeing there was a large amount of information on him. From what he knows, Wilson Fisk is one of the heroes of New York City. You always see him in the paper doing great things for people.

However... looks can be deceiving.

As he started to scroll through the general information, he was beginning to wonder why he was even looking at this. There's nothing here, absolutely nothing. I mean, why would anything bad be attached to Wilson Fisk's name?

But then something caught his eye.

He got to a section of the file where it explained the tragic deaths of Wilson Fisk's wife, Vanessa, and his son, Richard.

"Man, the pain he must've went through when it happened." Peter spoke, knowing how tough it was to lose a loved one. It was said in the file Vanessa and Richard met their untimely demise in a crossfire, being innocent bystanders.

At least, that's what the initial story wants people to believe.

More information started to come out, with some people in the media speculating there may be more to this story than meets the eye. What if it wasn't just a simple crossfire? What if the murderers actually had something against Wilson Fisk?

These conspiracy theories were put to bed when this tragedy initially happened, because it was ludicrous to accuse such a great man who's done so much good for the city. Really, how dare these people even think of something like that during the time? Actively trying to bring his name down while he's lost his wife and son?

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