[13 - Stranger With An Old Friend]

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[13 - Stranger with an Old Friend]

Micky stood behind the apartment building. He still had stitches in his face from Arkin kicking him down the stairs weeks ago. Once he had come home from the hospital, he went online to his chat rooms to ask for help, just like he did for every single problem he ever dealt with.

MickeyL: Guys, my kid got napped by the dude living a floor above me. YN’s only 17, but this dude’s keeping them up there. What should I do?

St0ckt0n: dude no way. What happened? Is the kid okay?

MickeyL: idk. I haven’t seen them in months. I went up to the dude’s apt a few days ago but he kicked my ass. Total gangster style. Broke my nose and kicked me down the stairs and shit. I put up a fight, managed to burn him with a cig and knock out a tooth. But I couldn’t get my kid.

BubblyBunny^w^: OMG!!!! No way!!! Call the cops on him!!! :0

MickeyL: I can’t go to the cops, he might kill YN, or he might kill me! I ain’t doin that shit.

A pop up showed up in Mickey’s inbox. He clicked it and a chat box opened up from an account he had never seen before. Their username was BollySheen76, their pfp was just a daisy flower with a yellow background, and their message seemed almost bot-ish. Mickey had dealt with pornbots a lot, but this didn’t seem like a horny college girl.

BollySheen76: Hello, @MickeyL.

MickeyL: Hey, do I know you? Are you on the server?

BollySheen76: Yes. I am a part of the server. I recently read your post about your child being abducted and held against their will by a violent stranger. Would you mind if I ask you some questions about said stranger?

MickeyL: Go ahead, man. I’ll answer whatever idc

BollySheen76: What is your surrounding zip code?

MickeyL: 66782.

The person didn’t respond for several minutes. Mickey sighed and leaned back in his chair. Then they responded, finally.

BollySheen76: Is this the man who took your child? *attachment*

The photo was taken from a distance. It was clear that he didn’t know it was being taken. His face was relaxed, not evil and twisted in a sadistic grin, but Mickey knew it was him. There was no doubt about it. 

MickeyL: Holy shit dude yeah. That’s the bitch that took my kid.

BollySheen76: He has a record, but it’s best to not call the police. His name is Arkin Rune. I know a way to get him down. We can get back your kid. I have my own reasons to want Rune dead. I can meet you somewhere and we can plan to take him down.

MickeyL: I just want my kid back. Where do you want to meet?

And now there he was. Mickey was waiting in the parking lot. The blue bug that he had seen Rune usually go to was gone. He had tried the door of the apartment. It was locked. He knocked over and over and over again, but if you were in there, you weren’t responding. A dark green BMW pulled into the parking lot, one that Mickey had never seen before. It parked and a man got out of the car. He was short, but it was obvious that he worked out regularly. He wore denim jeans and a flannel jacket. He approached Mickey.

“Are you BollySheen76?” Mickey asked. The man shook his head.

“No, but I work for ‘em. I’m gonna need you to get in the car so I can take you to meet my boss.” Mickey was hesitant, but what else did he have to lose? He looked up at the apartment complex. He had to get you out of there. He couldn’t imagine what hell you were dealing with while trapped with that monster. Mickey got into the passenger seat of the sedan.

The short man restarted the car and began driving away. Mickey watched out the window as they drove downtown. The buildings got taller, and they entered the city. The man in the car drove to the Royal Vale Hotel downtown. The building was tall and cream coloured on the outside, with people bustling inside and out. It was the nicest hotel in the whole county, and had always been much too expensive for Mickey to ever stay in.

The man parked the sedan in the parking lot and let Mickey into the building. Everyone inside was so fancy, so nice. He almost felt under dressed in his cargo shorts and stained wife beater tank top. He was led over the shining polished floors and into the elevator. The man he travelled with nodded to a teenager in a red uniform who worked the elevator. They travelled to the top floor. The elevator opened, and a woman stood outside of the elevator in a tight blue dress. She smiled at him brightly, chewing a piece of gum.

“Hi there!” she said in an overly cheery voice. “My name is Quinn, and I’ll be leading you the rest of the way!” She beckoned him with her finger. They walked away, leaving the teen and the short man in the elevator.

Quinn led Mickey through the hotel, curving through the hallways until they reached a door at the end of the hallway. It seemed to be the presidential suite of the Royal Vale. Quinn knocked on the door three times. Ten seconds later, the door opened. The man behind it was indescribably tall, with scars across his face and bald head. He moved to the side when Quinn smiled at him. She beckoned Mickey once again and led him into the room.

On the couch of the suite sat a man. He was pale with almost no colour to his skin or hair. He looked like he didn’t belong, like he was edited into the picture. His slim, long face had not a single defect on it. His eyes were closed and his head was leaning back, as if he was sleeping. Mickey wasn’t gay, but this man was hotter than any stripper he had done coke off of.

“Have a seat,” said Quinn, motioning to a seat across from the pale man. Mickey did as he was told. As soon as he sat down, the man opened his eyes and spoke in a soft but emotionless voice.

“Hello,” he said monotony. He raised his neck, looking at Mickey with blank eyes. They were such a dark brown they almost looked pure black. “I heard you have information for me about a certain Arkin Rune. He caused you some trouble as well, did he not?” Mickey nodded.

“Yeah. He took my kid from me. I want ‘em back.” The man tilted his head to the right so slightly it was almost unnoticeable.

“So, Rune has taken something from both of us. I suppose you can help me in my pursuit of him.” Mickey looked around. Quinn poured two glasses of brandy, giving one to the pale man and one to herself. “Quinn, darling. Where are your manners? Pour one for our guest here.” Quinn nodded, pushing her forced fake smile and poured a glass for Mickey. “I suppose I have been quite rude as hell. I have not introduced myself.” The pale man stood up, showing Mickey how insanely tall he was. He had to be almost seven feet tall. Mickey jolted to his feet and held out a hand.

“I’m Mickey. Mickey LN.” The pale man shook his hand, with still no expression.

“You may call me Postle.”

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