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You trained together with the trio brothers

You've learned three different Nail Arts; The Cyclone Slash, The Dash Slash, and The Great Slash.

Each had it's difficulties in learning, and mind you, each is something you're not used to. The Cyclone Slash, requires you NOT to get dizzy in spinning so much. The Dash Slash, requires you to not trip by gliding 3in above ground. The Great Slash... Oh it was fine, you just had to get a grip at throwing that nail, it always flew off your grasp.

These Nail Arts maybe hard to learn, but aside from that. There are parts of them you enjoyed so much. And that is The Energy.

In your Human world, this is utter imaginary and only felt. But in this world, you can actually see it. It caught you off guard the first time you focused on your energy. But as you were told what it was, it excites you til' the very end of your training. It was the reason why you've come this far, you wish going to school was this exciting.

You weren't the best of students, but you were strong and willed enough to learn all the Nail Arts. Now, you continue your training. It won't hurt to learn more.

You're currently cleaning the training room, along with other students. In this moments, your thoughts would be filled of how to get better in your Nail Arts. But since you've learned it, other things have intrude your mind. One of them is how to go back to Human world.

And the more recent ones, is the huge urge to go back.. to that Abyss. The part where it feels normal to go back there, like it's home. It was looming and intimidating, you can feel it stare back. Maybe from the dismantled skulls at the bottom? 

You can't help it, your body grew tired recently. You feel like returning to the Abyss might restore this lacking energy. 

It's not because of the lack of sleep either, because you just can't simply do that. You only lie down and stare at the ceiling while everyone rested. When everyone awakes, you do not feel any different than yesterday.

So, now you're only taking your time before you leave.


"Here take some geo with you in your travels, I'm quite sure the citizens of Hallownest recognize it's value." Sly stated, and from his tone. The theory of being what he is named only confirmed you.

"Take care, Esmy. Despite your lack of communication, you still emit a calming company." Stated Sheo. Oh yeah, he was quite a talker.

"Oh Sheo, I'm sure they don't need to. The strength they gained in our trainings together will no doubt protect them just fine!" Mato chimed. He's the optimistic one, he usually encourages you when your about to give up learning.

"It's true. A blessing may not be needed, but it is never unavailable. Safe travels, Esmy. Your presence is always welcome." He said, giving you some snacks. It was strange at first, but he seem to be fond of gifts. You did not require food, and you can't taste anything either. But it was funny how they eat though.

Mato and Oro always seem to be against each other, to the point where Oro feels responsible. But you pay it no mind, you too have a bond like this to your siblings, you're sure they'll work this out.

You give them a slight bow, it seems the only thing you can communicate them. You then began walking to the stag station, which can transport you back to city of tears.... Well, it's the only easiest way that you know of right now. You'll think of exploring later.


You went off the Stag, and left the station. You basked in the peace of the gentle droplets of water, as you strode through the crowd.

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