Rusted Dagger

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Many don't get what they want. That's what happened to Rafe Drun. But not to Valeria Davina Cross. For she chose what she wanted and what she got.


"There's one thing that I want to give you..." Valeria began, looking down at the dagger in her hand. "But it's the one thing I can't give you."

"Can't give me?" Rafe repeated softly, brown eyes twinkling with confusion. "What can't you give me, Val?" He asked, gently tilting her face upwards towards him.

"Forgiveness," she managed to rasp, blinking back tears. "It's the one thing I can never provide you with." She finally met his gaze, tears silently streaking down her face. "No matter how much I want to give it, I just— I just can't," her voice broke off, and she looked away, hating how she noticed the hurt that appeared in his eyes. "I can't forgive how you used Rosa. I can't forgive you for hurting Jackson— my brother. The one who helped you get to where you are today! Only for you to turn into a sabotaging, backstabbing piece of trash! Or when you turned me in because you needed the 'money' when I promised you! I promised you I would help!" Val's voice rose, as well as her rage, knuckles turning white as she gripped the daggers hilt tightly.

"And you promised me," her voice dropped to a whisper. "You promised me. To keep my family safe. Promised to stay by my side. You promised to love me." Valeria looked up, the rage gone from her fiery amber eyes and replaced with numbness. "And I do not accept fake love."

She grabbed his wrist and pulled Rafe close, a smile of wistful revenge on her face. It didn't match the lethal, poisonous stare of her sunset orbs. A look so addicting that Rafe didn't want to look away.

Her gaze seemed to be like a drug for him. He knew he shouldn't want more, but he needed more.

Rafe's lips moved to close the small gap between them, only to be stopped by a sudden suffering.

A sound of pure agony filled the air and Valeria pulled out the leather hilt of her dagger from the back of Rafe's neck as his body crumpled to the ground.

The familiar scent of iron made her wrinkle her nose in disgust as she looked down at her already-rusting dagger. The thick red liquid only covered half of it.

Valeria shot one pitiful look at Rafe's bleeding body, before she directed her gaze back at her rusted dagger, feet crunching on the dirt as she slipped the bloodied dagger into its sheath.

Valeria Davina Cross never let a man use her again, and she slipped into the shadows of the setting sun.

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