Hums of the Hurt

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"Ni-Nina what's happening— why's everything dark?" Rowan's voice echoed off the walls, jumping back at him.

"Don't worry Rowan, everything's fine," Kenina cooed, dragging her finger slowly across his jaw. His coal-black hair fell over the black blindfold, sweat dripping down from the humidity of the cave. "Just... need to wait..."

"For what? What are you talking about? Where are we Nina? Where did you take me?" He asked rapidly, the knot of nervousness and worry tightening in his stomach.

"Shhh darling, patience is key," she hummed, placing her index finger over his lips. "This is the grand surprise I've been planning for you, the one we would talk about. With the fireworks, music, and the pretty stars."

"But this cave- this cave was never mentioned- not once in our dreams! You know what happened in this cave- you know!" Rowan screamed, trying to shake off the ropes of fiber with no luck granted by any spirit, god, goddess, figure of help.

"Never reveal your secrets. Even when you're at your most vulnerable. Secrets are secrets for a reason. They're meant to be used against you when you release it," Kenina's voice turned sharp, cruel. "It was your fault for believing I was trustworthy after knowing me for no less than six months. Who told you to tell me this cave was where your family fortune laid under? Or how you had to spill the blood of a member in order to get the fortune? Or how your mother tried to do the same as me, but failed due to your father's cunning? No one. You were naive. Thought that my sweet words were true." Now it was mockery. Making fun of Rowan Torryn's kind, yet shattered heart.

Every word that was spoken was a stab in the back. Tears cascaded down Rowan's dirtied cheeks, regret and agony in every drop that hit the cave floor, leaving an imprint on the ground. "H-how-how do you not feel- feel any guilt? How can you take advantage of my trust? How does your heart give you-"

"My heart doesn't do anything for me but keep me alive. My feelings are up in my mind. I do things because I don't give my heart room to control my thoughts. Unlike you. You are a so-called 'man' yet do things based on what your heart tells you," she continued, disgusting dripping like venom. "That's what makes you so weak. It's what makes you a prey. How else are predators on top of the food chain? How else do they survive? They don't let their feelings stop them from feeling guilty when it comes to making their living."

"Nina, I gave you the best life! From love to clothes to luxury and money! What else did you want for a living? I gave you my heart- my dignity- my secrets. What else did you want!" Rowan remarked, shoulders shaking from his sobs.

This is what she wanted him for. His money. Not him.

Pain, betrayal, hurt, numbness, sadness, disappointment in himself, anger for Kenina being correct, anger for being so oblivious and naive, despair for his fate.

"All of that without you."

Missile-like objects began to appear in the air, placing a sinful smile on Kenina's lips. Her black heels clacked on the stone floor, drawing her dagger out. "You're going to be seeing your stars and hearing your music soon darling," she whispered, outlining his face once again, but with the dagger. Briskly, she created two gashes on his wrists, as Rowan's shrieks of torture filled the cave. Slowly, his blood began to paint his pale skin, dripping down to meet the same fate as his tears.

Kenina examined the dagger, satisfied enough with her work. "Goodbye, Rowan. I truly enjoyed our time together." She began to walk away, when Rowan's hoarse voice came.

"I was going to ask you to be mine."

The beating of Kenina's heart stopped, but her feet didn't. It was her brain taking over her, doing exactly what she had told Rowan. Letting her brain do the work while keeping her heart out of it's business.

"Maybe when we unite once again."

She started her hike down the cave, making sure to take her heels off. Kenina didn't want to meet the same fate as her... lov- victim.

"Make you mine."




The words echoed in her mind as Kenina hopped down from the last stone step, the landing of her feet being shook as the fireworks hit the mountain. Bright, neon colors filled the sky, except stones began to fall, hitting the ground with an impact.

Kenina disappeared into the midnight abyss before her heart managed to win the war against her mind.

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