Let's start!

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Welcome to my new book! Hope you like it love you.


"Elena" screams Sahra through the airport. I looked at in shock around me and immediately smiled as I saw her . "There you are," I said and ran to Sahra to hug her.

I was happy my best friend Sahra was finally there, after I had been waiting here for her for a half  hour. "My mum hugged me so long ," Sahra said when we finished our hug.

"We haven't missed the flight yet so everything is okay ," I said with a laugh and then we went to our gate together. After waiting we boarded the plane in the direction of Finland. 

I've known Sahra since I was little. We both finished school two years ago. And with some smaller jobs we were able to collect money to move back to Finland in our home country. Our mothers had the great idea of ​​moving to America when we were little. 

We flew to Finland every year, but it wasn't the same as living there. It was difficult to say goodbye to my mum, but I was also happy to do a new start with Sahra.

We flew in the plane for a few hours and talked all the time. Then we packed our things and left the plane to get to our taxi.

Me and Sahra have already found an apartment for us but unfortunately we could only move in tomorrow. That means we will spend this night in a hotel. "Already excited," said Sahra as we sat in the taxi together. 

I just nodded and then laughed. The hotel wasn't exactly a five star hotel but it was enough. We put our things in our room and while Sahra was showering I decided to get us something to eat. When we came in before I saw a snack machine in the lobby.

 Lots of people were in the lobby, most of them looking more annoyed than happy. I took my money and put it  in the machine. When I had my candy I turned to head towards the room. But before that I ran into a man. 

"Sorry" I said when I looked at the man with the long brown waiters. "It wasn't your fault, once again I didn't look where I was going," said the black-clad man with the long brown waiters. "I'm Niko" he said when I actually wanted to leave.

 I smiled at him and shook hands with him. "I am Elena". He smiled at me. "Are you here on vacation?" he asked as he went to the machine to get a candy bar. "No, me and my best friend have just moved here. We can only go to our apartment tomorrow so we're here," I said and smiled at him. 

"That's cool. As if you're already stuck in this hotel like us.Then I can only recommend the bar on the first floor, "he said as he wiped his hair back with one of his hands. Niko was really not one to be overlooked.

 He was dressed in black, had long hair, a lot of jewelry and tattoos. "When will you be with us?" I asked confused. "Well me and my band are here for a concert" he said and smiled at me with a big grin. 

"You're in a band how cool. What kind of music do you guys do?" I asked and smiled enthusiastically at him. "Just come to our concert tomorrow with your girlfriend. We're playing 5 minutes from the hotel, "he said, smiling expectantly at me. 

I didn't know what to say and just stared at him." If you come to the bar tonight I can introduce you to the others, "he says to convince me. 

"Okay, we'll come to this bar in the evening. But I don't know if the concert will end," I said a bit uncertainly. "We can talk about that tonight," said Niko and winked at me and then turned around. 

So I think Niko is pretty cool, I hope that the others are as friendly as he is. Because friends here in Finland would be really great. When I went back to our hotel room I told Sahra about Niko and his band and her was immediately convinced. 

"Does Niko look good" Sahra asked me excitedly as we sat on the bed together. "Yes, he doesn't look bad" I said laughing. "I told you here in Finland we will find our bad boys" she said laughing and than we ate the snacks together that I had brought with me.


Hope you liked the first part :D

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