Guitar lesson

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"Get up," Sahra said aloud and threw a pillow in my face. "What's that?" I said sleepily as I tossed the pillow back towards her. "Our apartment," said Sahra with a laugh. 

And only now do I feel that we will get our apartment today. Me and Sahra got ready and drove to our landlord to pick up the keys for the apartment. "Do you remember anything from yesterday" Sahra asked me as we walked up the stairs to our apartment together.

 "Yes, of course, I didn't drink that much," I said with a laugh and looked at her a little confused. "So all I know is that these guys are all extremely hot," she said with a laugh as she unlocked the door of our apartment.

 I just shook my head and then walked past her into the apartment. The apartment wasn't exactly big, but it's enough for the two of us. The apartment even had a small balcony and the apartment wasn't right next to the street.

 Matt colors adorned the apartment and there was a large glass table in the kitchen and we even had some bar stools. The apartment was very modern and I and Sahra were sure that it was already furnished. 

"When is the concert?" Sahra asked me, tearing me out of my thoughts. "At 8 o'clock" I said and looked at her. Actually, Sahra and I couldn't think of anything else like that concert. The hours leading up to the concert felt like years.

When the time had finally come, we went to the concert together. The first thing we saw was a large place with lots of people. Niko said we should just go back and tell the security who we are. Kind of cute of the guys. 

"We are Sahra and Elena" I said to the security man with the yellow vest. At first he just stared at us strangely but then he understood who we were. He showed us a white tent behind the stage and said that we should just go in there.

 The man in yellow wasn't exactly nice, but most security guys are like that. "Elena" shouted Niko as I and Sahra entered the tent. Niko came to me to hug me and then smiled. The others were also in the tent. 

Joel and Aleksi sat at a table and checked their cell phone before we came. Tommi and Olli were eating something at another table while Joonas was working on his electric guitar. 

The others waved to us and smiled.They are all so kind and friendly , but there was one person that couldn't get out of my head since yesterday. 

"Was Gargamel nice to you?" Asked Joel and smiled. "Gargamel?" I asked and laughed. "We called the security guy that" said Joonas and smiled at me while he tinkered with his guitar.

Niko sat down at the table next to Joel and Aleksi and waved us as a sign to come to them. Sahra immediately sat down with them like a crazy fangirl. 

"Elena, do you want to play something for me?" said Joonas as I wanted to walk past him to Niko and the others. "I can play something for you too" said Joonas to convince me. I turned away from Niko and the others and sat down with Joonas at the table.

 Behind us sat Niko, Aleksi, Joel, Sahra and at the table next to us sat Tommi and Olli who were still eating something. "Well, play something for me," I said and sat down across from Joonas. The table was very narrow so we weren't far from each other.

 "Uhh Joonas is in a flirt mood" said Niko when he noticed that I had sat down next to him. "Shut up" said Joonas and only showed him the middle finger without turning around. "What should I play?" Said Joonas and smiled at me with his blue eyes. 

"No matter what you choose," I said and looked at his eyes. I was nervous sitting across from him and I didn't even know why. Joonas started playing something on his guitar and soon I recognized the melody; I just smiled at him and kept listening. 

Joonas was incredibly talented. "Nirvana - Polly" I said when Joonas stopped playing. "You said yesterday that Nirvana is one of your favorite bands and since you are wearing a Nirvana T shirt today I thought it would fit the best"

"You noticed that I said that even though we were drunk," I said with a laugh. "Sure," said Joonas and laughed too. He had such an incredibly sweet smile that made my heart melt. "Now you have to play" said Joonas and handed his guitar to me.

 I was pretty insecure because I hadn't played in a long time. "Play anything you want," he said and smiled waiting. The only thing I could think of right now was Master of Puppets from Metallica. I started to began to play and immediately noticed how all eyes were on me. 

I actually knew that I could play the song quite well and just looked at the guitar so as not to have to look at the others. When I was done I looked confused at the others and Joonas looked at me astonished. 

"You said you can't play well. Are you joking that was mega" said Joonas and ran a hand through his blond curls. "That was amazing," said Tommi and looked at me. 

"Elena can play the guitar so well, she just never admitted it because she thinks she'll look even more manly then," Sahra said with a laugh. 

"What do you mean" Niko asked confused who was sitting next to her. The others now also looked at Sahra, confused. But Sahra said nothing more because she noticed that she had just said this sentence out loud and now felt guilty.

 "I'm not exactly a typical girl. I dress almost exclusively in black. Listen to rock and metal. I'm not really interested in make-up and shopping. And when I say that I play guitar, most of the boys run away," I said and looked at the guys uncertainly because I didn't know how they would react. 

"What?" Said Niko, simply shocked. "It all sounded hot to me," said Joel, smiling at me. I smiled at Joel too and only then realized what he had said. "Well, I think you're cool," said Tommi and then looked back at his plate to continue eating.

 "If Tommi says that then it means something," said Joonas laughing and everyone else laughed, only Tommi looked a little annoyed at the others. "Honestly girls who make music and then rock are different hot" said Niko and smiled cheekily at me. 

"You can become a member of our seventh band," said Aleksi with a laugh. "Shut up now" I said annoyed and shook my head. Then I gave Joonas his guitar again and talked to him for a while, while Sahra was talking to Niko and I knew how hot she thought he was.

 Sahra was exactly the opposite of me. She listens to pop and is the typical girl all in pink and her hairstyle is always right.

I think that's why we fit together so well. I talked to Joonas for a while and he is really a funny idiot which I think is cute.

 "We're going to get ready now. Our manager will take you with him, he's very nice," said Niko and winked at me with a smile. 

Everyone got up to change. "Good luck afterwards" I said when Joonas got up and he smiled at me with a big grin. "Thanks Elli," he said. Elli? Was that now something of a nickname. "Elli" said Sahra teasingly as she sat down next to me. I just shook my head and smiled.


Hope you liked it :D

The things get interesting 

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