Truth or dare

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We sat together at the table in the white tent for a while. "I'm going to the hotel now, I have something else to do tomorrow," said Tommi and got up. 

"You're doing something without us" said Niko and faked tears. I had to smile because Niko made weird hand movements all the time because he was so drunk. "I'm going with you too," said Olli and Aleksi almost simultaneously.

 "What the guys said Joel and looked offended." But you stay here or Elena? "Asked Niko and made even more strange hand movements. I nodded and then looked at Tommi who came to me to hug me." Have fun Babysitting "said Olli as he hugged me too. 

Aleksi hugged me too and then I waved to the three of them as they did. Sahra scowled and I couldn't blame her. Aleksi, Tommi and Olli just hugged me and they got her disregarded.

 "Now that we're only 5 it's time for truth or dare" said Niko and smiled at us as he took a sip of his beer. "Let's play truth or dare" said Sahra a bit too motivated.

Since Joonas wasn't that drunk, he looked for an app for Truth and Dare. "I entered your names" he said and put his cell phone in the middle so that everyone could see the questions.

 "Let's spin the wheel," said Joel motivated. The bike stopped when Nikos took it. "Truth," he said and smiled. "Who among the players would you think would be the worst pair?" Niko said out loud. 

Niko looked at all of us briefly and made weird facial expressions. "I think Joel and Sahra," he said, taking a sip of his beer. "That's probably true," said Joel, taking a sip of his beer too.

 I didn't think it was great that Sahra was so marginalized again, even if I knew that the boys weren't doing it on purpose. Sahra just doesn't suit them.

 Niko tapped Joona's cell phone and the wheel turned again. "Elena" said Niko and smiled at me. "Truth" I said and waited for my question. "Tell about your biggest phobia" read Niko out loud. I didn't have to think about it for long and immediately said 

"Spiders. There is nothing to explain, they are just scary. Just laugh at me," I said and had a drink. "Joel is afraid of banging that is much funnier" said Joonas and Joel puffed him annoyed. 

"Birds are scary too," he said, looking around confused. I had to smile but didn't want to laugh so I tapped Joona's cell phone and the wheel turned again.

"Sahra" I said and looked at her. "Truth" she said and I knew she was just doing this to be cool. "The player on your left has to give you a slap on your bum," I say out loud. "Elena that's you" said Niko and laughed. I was actually sitting to her left and realized it now.

"Do you want to do the task?" I asked Sarah and looked at her. "Yeah sure," she said and I noticed that she was a bit drunk. When she got up, I slapped her ass gently.

 "That was funny" I said and laughed against it. "That was" Joel started to talk and Niko finished his sentence "Hot" he said and everyone laughed. "Joonas you're on," said Sahra and smiled at him.

 "Truth" he said and took a sip of beer. "Arm wrestling with Niko, the winner gets a kiss from the girl of his choice. There are three rounds," say Sahra out loud.

 "I like this task" said Niko and smiled cheekily. I knew how much Sahra liked Niko so I hoped Niko would kiss her. "Then I am completely excluded" said Joel and looked madly. 

"We just do it like that the first round Joonas plays against Niko and then against Joel and the third round the winners play" I said and looked questioningly. Everyone nodded and then Niko and Joel started arm wrestling.

 Everyone cheered on Niko and Joonas and it was really fun to watch them both. Since they were both a bit drunk, they weren't quite as strong anymore. "Yes" screams Niko when he won against Joonas. Everyone made sad looks to pity Joonas.

 "You can kiss someone" said Joel and smiled at Sahra and me. "Do you want that at all? There are three rounds so three kisses" said Joonas worried. "Yes, I'm drunk enough for that today," I said and laughed as I took another sip of my beer. 

"Well then, can you give me a kiss?" said Niko and gave me a cheeky look. I didn't know what to say because I knew Sahra wanted to kiss him.

"Um. Kiss Sahra" I said and looked at Sahra. "Ohh that was a basket," said Joel laughing and now I felt bad. "I would like to kiss you" said Sahra and Niko looked a little disappointed but then kissed Sahra.

 The kiss was short and not really passionate. "Next round" said Joel and put his hand ready on the table. He and Joonas were very balanced in terms of strength.

 But in the end Joonas won. I was glad that Joonas won because he was now allowed to kiss one of us. Everyone looked at Joonas waiting. "Elena" he said and gave me a friendly smile. Joonas came closer to me and put his hand on my face.

 I could feel his breath on my skin. My stomach tingled when our lips touched. The kiss was longer than Niko and Sahras, and it felt real. When we broke away from each other, I just looked at Joonas. "Why doesn't he get a basket?" Said Niko jokingly. "It's hard to be that handsome" said Joonas and make strange hand movements.

I had to laugh and then looked back at Niko. "I'm great too," he said, offended. "That's you," said Sahra, but Niko didn't really react. Joonas stayed to my left and I smiled at him.

 "Why are you complaining? I'm the only one who hasn't got a kiss" said Joel, playing that he was pissed off. I was so drunk that I got up and went to Joel to kiss him. Actually, I only did this to test whether I would also feel this tingling sensation.

 But no. Joel looked shocked when I went back to my seat. "Wow" he said and smiled. Then I sat down with Joonas and Sahra again. "I'm getting too hot here, I'm going home now," said Sahra and laughed convulsively. 

"Are you going home Elena too?" asked Joonas and looked at me questioningly. "You can also sleep with us in the hotel if you want to stay here" said Niko and smiled at me friendly. "She does that," said Sahra pissed off and went to her car. 

Because we drove here together, I had no choice but to stay with the boys. I didn't want to deal with her anyway, I'm not to blame that Niko doesn't like her the way she wants. "I'll stay with you then" I said laughing and clinked glasses with the boys.


Hope you liked it :D

Between this truth or dare questions where really from a app so not my idea. They where random lol.

Comment and vote thank you bye.

It feels like a fever (Joonas Porko FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ