Chapter 3

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The next day, I woke up an hour earlier so I could get my self ready. After that, I woke up Donna and then Max. They were so excited. When they were done getting ready I gave then there lunch box's which had there breakfast and lunch. They ate in the car. 30 minutes later, we were at the school. I helped them out of the car. I put their backpacks on their backs, and led them into the office. There we got a tour of the school and then we went into the classroom. Donna and Max were in Mrs.Erwins 5th grade class. I left them there, and I said goodbye.

Donnas P.O.V

Julia left me and my brother with our teacher. She told us to unpack our backpacks and then she would give us some things we don't have. I didn't know what was in my backpack. When I opened it up there was a binder, box of crayons and colored pencils, pencil box which help pencils, and scissors, and the last thing there was was folders. Our teacher gave me and Max an expandable file and 3 note books. One for science, reading, and math. When the bell rang everyone ran through the door and said I to me. Then Mrs.Erwin had the class quiet down so she could speak. She went over the schedule for the day. Yes, lunch is at 11:00, I said to myself. Ooooo and snack at 9:30 awesome and school gets out at 1:00 omg this is going to be fun. At recess I had a ton of girls run up to me omg I know you your Ihascupquakes daughter. Yah I said to them. Well anyways we are all girls in a club called the fruitables and you get to be a fruit want to join. Sure, can I be a grape, I asked them. Of course, they replied. So we played around until lunch I went and sat down to someone I sit next to in class her name was Jessica I liked Jessica she was cool. Then I saw a boy in my class. He had blonde hair with blue eyes. I think I have a crush, and then I saw Max, he was hanging out with him.

Ok I posted 2 times today I just want you all to be happy that there's more to read I may write another chapter today. I also want to have your ideas in the book so please leave comments with your ideas and ill dedicate a chapter to you with your idea. Have a happy day reading!

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