Chapter Two

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"Wait, wait, wait," Rainbow shook her head. "I have to WHAT NOW?"

"For the first time, the Trials of Zeus will have two competitors," Zeus declared. "The winner will go on to their immortal age; the loser will be killed by their father."

"But..." Rainbow sputtered, momentarily forgetting what Zeus had just said about fathers killing children. "He obviously despises me! And I know I despise him!"

"Then you don't know Jacob," Aphrodite said from the doorway. "But then again, you two haven't seen each other in centuries."

She gasped.

"It'll be the Jacob and Rainbow Dash reunion!" Aphrodite pretended to faint. "Please let me witness!"

"And then you'll be in your grave," Rainbow huffed. "Seriously, try and name something you think I like about him."

"He's a real sweetie pie once you get to know him," Aphrodite guessed.

"Nah. Only ever seen him that time we were four."

"He's cute."

"Well, I couldn't tell underneath that plant monster costume."

"Um... he's a guy?"

"I'm not really into that part of being a girl."

Aphrodite put her finger to her chin, then smirked.

"He has an interest in you," she said.

"He does not," Rainbow countered.

"Then why have I heard him saying, 'Give me another chance; I want her to like me' into the night when he was like ten?" Aphrodite said.

"Again, you're the goddess of beauty and love," Rainbow pointed out. "You could be lying."

"Well, I guess you're in the know about this now," Zeus said. "I'll let you go now."

Poseidon sat on his throne, golden trident in hand.

The girl. Zeus's daughter.

Rainbow Dash against his... his...


He knew that girl was already street-smart, given she'd been living on her own for over two millennia. She probably was already ready for the Trials of Zeus.

Meanwhile, Jacob was another matter. Once apologized for accidentally bumping into a dolphin guard, promising to make up for it. He would never make it.


Poseidon stared at his trident as a pair of dolphin guards swam up to him.

"Your Majesty, the girl is on Olympus now," one of the dolphins said.

"Does she know of the trials yet?" Poseidon asked.

"Wait, who's 'she?'" A young boy with floppy sea-blue hair and intense blue eyes came up to Poseidon. "Wait a minute... she's back?"

"And will be leaving a few days later, Jacob," Poseidon added. "Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if Rainbow Dash has already forgotten about you."

"What do you mean?" Jacob asked. "I once heard that she's got a powerful memory."

"People tell lies," Poseidon said. "And those have to be lies. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know you exist anymore."

Jacob hung his head. 

The Goddessy II: The Trials of ZeusWhere stories live. Discover now