Chapter Twelve

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"Woah, when could you do that?" Bastet groaned as they floated in a pitch-black void.

"I honestly don't know," Rainbow said. One second, she was thinking of getting to Greece fast, and the next, they fell through the concrete into this void, a loud clap of thunder signaling what had happened.

"And I think we just broadcast our location to any enemy that could be lurking around," Bastet rolled her eyes.

It was a wonder Rainbow hadn't gone whole "girl attacks everyone she sees" on Bastet, given how little they had in common, besides the fact that they were both goddesses. But Bastet had to fight the Chaos snake most of the time, while Rainbow had to be hiding from the world most of her time. Bastet also was a lot more self-confident than Rainbow was, despite what people like Twilight and Sunset believed.

"So, how do we get out?" Jacob asked.

"I-I don't know," Rainbow said, her hands starting to shake again. "I just started picturing a way to get to Greece and--"

"Well, try again," Amelia encouraged. "Think of Greece."

"Just not ancient Greece," Jacob clarified.

Well, Rainbow was already picturing ancient Greece, but just before anything could happen, she envisioned her last memories of Greece, with the modern hub it was now, the buildings by the ocean for extra effect. A clap of thunder, and the scene in her head ripped the void open, causing the foursome to plummet into the waters themselves.

"Meow!" Bastet squealed, flailing her arms.

"Sorry!" Rainbow said. "Didn't mean to get wet!"

"Well, next time you teleport us around, please picture a place that's dry!" Bastet yelled.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, her powers aren't like Athena's or Apollo's," Jacob pointed out. "And I think that's pretty cool."

Rainbow pulled her hair around her face to hide the fact that her cheeks were coloring red.

"Well, let's get out of here," Amelia declared. "The shore's not too far. Maybe I could find a plane or something and look from the air."

"You just wanna fly, don't you?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Amelia shrugged.

"Okay, then hold on tight," Rainbow grabbed Amelia's chest as her wings sprouted from her back, and she soared into the air.

"You didn't tell me you could do this!" Amelia exclaimed, excitement tickling her face. "This is amazing!"

"Only been going on for about a year," Rainbow tried to shrug, but holding Amelia prevented it.

"Hey, do you think you could toss me over there?" Amelia asked.

"Are you crazy?"

"Trust me!"

"Okay then. Just warning you that if you break anything, I'm blaming you."

"I'm dead for crying out loud!"
Rainbow tried to shrug again and thrust Amelia to the shore, who nearly got buried into the sands.

"I didn't know we were that close," Rainbow said, feeling her transformation disappear as she fell into the waves. "And that took a lot of energy out of me."

"Well, we can swim over," Jacob said. "If you can."

"I think I've got enough juice left for that," Rainbow panted.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "That's still a bit of a distance."

"I'll be fine," she replied. "I mean, I've got the supplies."

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