Chapter Six

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"You know, you're like a diamond in the rough," Aphrodite said. "Just gotta work some magic to get to that inner sparkle beneath."

If that was a compliment, Rainbow Dash didn't get it. As far as she knew, Aphrodite had, in the span of two hours:

1. Stolen her phone

2. Used it to text her friends (who were still texting on the group chat the four of them had made because Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy rarely texted on their big one anymore)

3. Tried to get her to wear makeup for once (she threatened Aphrodite to get out of it)

4. Put her in a dress (called a "tea-length" dress that was iridescent white)

5. Did something that involved braids because apparently Aphrodite said she looked good in them.

The only good thing was that she wore high tops. Granted, they were sparkly, but who cares? Aphrodite had said either sparkly high tops or heels.

That's when they saw Nyx streaking through the night sky, the other competitors heading to the arena where they had been chosen.

"We have to go now," Aphrodite said. Rainbow's phone started going off again as they were walking.

Dashie: ok, what did i miss??

Sunset: just rarity talking about how she wants pics of u

Dashie: tell her i said don't shoot the messenger

Sunset: y??

Dashie: b/c ur the messenger telling her she's not getting a single pic of me

Applejack: girl's probably more worried about how she's gonna look w/ jacob

Dashie: this is the 1 time i would gladly say i like the kid only 2 mess w/ her

Twilight: ...

Sunset: the fact that u said that tells me all i need 2 know

Dashie: ok, please delete

Twilight: well, let's just say u said that. i ain't getting rid of that txt

Sunset: i just made it my home screen on my tablet

Dashie: thanx for that, imma go and destroy ur tablet now

Sunset: i'd rather u hack into it

Dashie: i've been doing that since we met where do u think half those pics of me came from??

Sunset: u have not

Dashie: lemme make this clear. u need to stop

Sunset: y should i stop when i ship??

"Uh, Rainbow Dash?" Aphrodite waved a hand in front of her face. "You've been texting non stop today."

"Because I've had nothing better to do," Rainbow pointed out. "Sorta locked in my room with nothing to do."

"Okay, that makes more sense," Aphrodite said as Amelia bounded in front of them, wearing a silky 1920's sparkly dress covered in black sequins.

"Hey, sisters!" Amelia cheered. "I wish I could have worn my flight gear, but can't complain! I heard Caligula and Tut spitting about their kingdoms earlier, which was just plain applesauce to me! Ya follow?"

Aphrodite stared in confusion.

"1920s slang," Rainbow said as she and Amelia walked to the arena together.

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