Chapter 6

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I practically limp back to my dorm room. My eyes are heavy from the long hours of studying, but at least I am caught up.

Robin- "Hey slut where have you been?"

Robin is on the couch watching some trashy reality TV show. She's really smart, but I don't think I've ever seen her complete an assignment.

Jenna- "Library.Tired.Bed."

Robin- "Okaaayyy Frankenstein. Sweet dreams."

Robin resumed her show, and I collapsed onto my bed. Just as I drift to sleep, my phone chimes with a loud notification.

Fogell- "Hey this is Fogell, remember? You didn't give me a fake number did you?"

I chuckle a little. I really should be asleep, but I want to respond. My fingers dance around the keyboard. I don't know what to say. Maybe I'll keep things simple.

Jenna- "Hey this is Jenna, remember?"

Fogell- "Shit I thought this was Jessica."

My heart stops.

Fogell- "LOL did I get you?"

I let out a huge sigh of relief. I can't believe the thought of him talking to another girl is making me so nervous. I bite my lip as I think of another response. Who am I?

Jenna- "Ok, I admit. You got me good."

Fogell- "Don't worry babe. It's just you on my mind."

He is so fucking cringy I can't. I am smiling like a fool.


Jenna- "I can't sleep when you're screaming at me."

Robin runs into the room and looks me up and down.

Robin- "Ok. Spill. Is this a boyyyyyy?"

Jenna- "Oh my god! Nosey much?"

Robin- "I have known you for 10 years. I pick up on these things. Now, spill!"

Jenna- "I'm texting Fogell, the mystery boy from the party last night."

Robin- "NO fucking way! Ew... why him?"

Jenna- "He's cute and he makes me laugh. I don't know, at the very least it's entertaining."

Robin- "...alright, but I'll be watching youuuuu."

I throw my pillow at her.

Jenna- "SHUT UP!"

Robin giggles and runs back to her program.

I get another notification.

Fogell- "Can I take you to dinner tomorrow?"

Jenna- "See you at 6."

I toss my phone onto my nightstand and fall into a deep sleep.

Geek CharmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora