Chapter 9

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Fogell- "I saw this place on my way home."

We step inside this tiny karaoke bar. Rainbow lights and smoke fill the room. I can hear pitchy ballads from every direction.

Jenna- "I-I should admit that I can't sing."

I'm not gonna lie I'm playing up that shy girl shit. I've been preparing for a karaoke duel since my first episode of Barney. That creepy dinosaur fucker taught me how to * perform.*

Fogell- "Awww are you afraid to go against me?"

Jenna- "Oh you are so on."

Fogell- "Shall we start with a duet?"

I scroll through the long list of songs until something familiar pops up.

Jenna- "Let's do Young Folks by...Peter Bjorn and John."

Fogell- "What the fuck is that? Must be Swedish. Can we do Lollipop by Lil Wayne?"

Jenna- "You said you wanted a duet. Cmon coward."

With a press of a button the music starts and the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

Fogell- 🎶"If I told you things I did before/Told you how I used to be/Would you go along with someone like me?/If you knew my story word for word/Had all of my history/Would you go along with someone like me?"🎶

I can't help but smile. He's not even close to the right key but his confidence is doing it for me.

My turn is almost up-

Jenna- 🎶"I did before and had my share/It didn't lead nowhere/I would go along with someone like you/It doesn't matter what you did/Who you were hanging withWe could stick around and see this night through."🎶

Nailed it.

Fogell and Jenna- 🎶"And we don't care about the young folk/Talkin' 'bout the young style/And we don't care about the old folks/Talkin' 'bout the old style too/And we don't care about their own faultsTalkin' 'bout our own style/All we care 'bout is talking/Talking only me and you."🎶

As we sing, I stare into his glimmering eyes. This place with him feels familiar. I feel like at this moment this is exactly where I should be.

Fogell- "That was a fair fight, but I think it's safe to say I bagged that."

Jenna- "Ha, you're full of jokes tonight. Accept defeat."

The night races by with plenty of "competitions." Not sure that's the right word, because I outsang him every time.

Fogell- "Can I walk you home? It's getting late."

Jenna- "Yeah, I'd love that."

We exit the club, and my lungs soak in all the fresh air. The night sky is a beautiful dark purple color and the moon is full and bright.

Jenna- "Tonight was really fun. You truly are full of surprises."

Fogell- "Are you kidding me? You surprised me with that wicked singing voice."

Thank god the night sky hides my bright red cheeks.

Jenna- "I'd love to do this again...see you again."

I look over and see a giant smile on his face. That smile says it all.

Jenna- "Well, this is my dorm. Thank you for walking me home."

Fogell- "No problem at all. Good night Jenna."

I lean in slowly and softly peck his plump lips.

Jenna- "Good night Fogell."

I walk to the door but peer behind. Our eyes meet.

Oh god, I like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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